Wednesday 1 October 2014

How To Make Windows Clean itself Automatically

Hello My Dear Visitors ! welcome Back Our TECHDEBUTE website When, you use windows for a long time, win lets some temporary and inneficient files that makes load time of your pc high.Today, I will teach you how to let your windows operating system clean itself automatically from these files, therefore, your PC will become faster.

 Windows Registry is an essential system file that houses a massive collection of details about your computer--where programs are stored, which helper programs (known as DLLs) are shared among your various applications, listings of all your Start-menu shortcuts, and pointers to the programs that fire up when you click on an icon. And that's just the beginning.


To do that, you need a small app called Auto Cleanup.
it's easy to use, small size, and you don't have to install it, also this app works fast, it seems like it doesn't run.

Download the app here:

      :        Auto Cleaner

After you have downloaded the files, extract the archive after open CleanerConfig.ini

set variable HowOftenToRunHours to 1 or whatever you want.

auto cleaner

if you set it to 1, the program will clean your pc every hour, as well as 2 or 3...

After, run the application Autocleaneup.exe and you are done. Enjoy.
You will notice that your pc becomes faster with time.

Please don't forget to like and to share our post, and if you have question about using Autocleanup tool please feel free to fill a comment below. Regards.

How To Colorize Folders in Your Windows

Welcome back Our Website !

Friends Today i Will Show You a new trick, it's  how to Colorize Your Folder using a small tool called Folder Coloriser.

   folder Colorizer description

Why Colorizing folder?

Because when you colorize your folders you have a clear and organized ones and you can navigate easier.


Just Follow my tutorial.
You can download FolderColoriser here:

After downloading Extract the archive and install it.

After that the program will launch and he will request to type your email to activate the program (use any email :) )

  folder colorizer

After right click on a folder that you want to colorize and go to 'colorize!' then choose the color that you want.

  folder colorizer

Done!, Enjoy the new style of your folders :D

Please don't forget to like us on facebook and to share our post. and if you have a question please feel free to contact-us here :

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Friday 26 September 2014

How To More Secure Your Passwords- TECHDEBUTE

Friends ! password safes or password managers, help solve this problem. They give you a central place to store all your passwords, encrypted and protected by a passphrase or token that you provide. This way, you have to memorize a single password - the one for your password vault. All the other passwords you use can be as long and complex as possible, even randomly generated, and you don't have to worry about remembering them.


A lot of people use differents passwords for his accounts in the internet. That's normal, but did you know how secure is your password?, maybe you don't know something called brute force attack which allows hackers to get your password even in 30 secondes if it's not secure or too short.


That why in this post I will show you how to test your password's security, and to know how long a hacker's brute force attack can take to crack your password.

   test password security

To make this process easy, I made a small script, and I hosted it on the net.

First Step:

Go to this address:

                                                  How Secure is My Password

Second Step:

Type any password, please don't write your own password to avoid phishing.
then the website will test your password. and give you some instructions related to the password and it tells you how secure how is your password. and it's done.

If you have a question please don't forget to like our like and to share and if you have a question please don't forget to post a comment below.

Thursday 25 September 2014

How To Des-activate Seen Option in Facebook

Hello And Welcome Back Our Website!
Many people feels uncapable to read messages without their friends know, because they don't want to answer or for another reason.

  facebook unseen

 I will show you a new trick that allows you to block seen option in facebook, therefore, your friends will not be able to know if you read their messages or not.

For this trick, you need google chrome browser or mozilla firefox.
and a google chrome addon or mozilla addon called seen block that offers this service.


To Download seen block:

for google chrome

click here 

for mozilla firefox

click here

 you need to remember that the medium is social: customers expect to be able to have an open and honest conversation about your company and the service they experience. Any action you take, from hiding comments, to replying in public, to banning users, is going to be judged as representative of your company. You must balance the natural desire to keep your Page as positive as possible with maintaining credibility among your fans. This can sometimes mean leaving negative comments public.

To activate this addon install it in your browser. after that, while you're chatting with your friend, you will be able to controls seen option[choose mark as read if you want to mark the message as seen(read)].Enjoy.


How To Compress Video Memory Size Without Decreasing Quality- How i

Hi My dear Friends this is very every second to share not expecting tools published on this TECHDEBUTE, so many more people's are required some more video's ,that too memory size and quality based to that video's from supporting more memory size to struggled everyone's so in this article's saying How we compressed best videos memory and without decreasing that quality.SEE here News and share it

                                        slow internet

A lot of people when they want to upload videos to youtube or vimeo and so on, they wait much time especially if they have slow net and if the video is too long and also if the video is in HD (High Definition).

                                     how to compress videos files

So if you suffer from this problem or you want to reduce upload time, without affecting videos quality, so you're in the right place.

To Compress videos you need a software called Moo0 Minimiser Video :

To Download itClick Here Video Minimiser

After Downloading, extract the archive then install the program.

drop and drag compress video

After The installation, run the program.

Then set file size to any size you want (the value that you will write, should be logic :D ), then choose the video that you want to compress, select it, and drop n'drag it to the program.

 compress video files

If the task is finished the video should be in the same directory as the original directory. and the new video should be compressed.

If you have a question, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.
If you see our website for the first time please don't forget to like and to subscibe on our newsletter and on our youtube channel to get in touch with our new posts. regards.



Tuesday 23 September 2014

How To Find Drafts And Lists in Twitter From New iPhone App

How To Find Drafts And Lists in Twitter From New iPhone App

Hi Friends! Twitter released an iOS 8 friendly update last week that included a new profile design and interactive notifications.But although the most noticeable change was the revamped profiles, many users are unhappy with parts of the update  largely because it changes the location of draft tweets and lists.Luckily, both are still accessible. Here's how to find them.


change users seem to be most confused by is drafts, whose new location in the iOS app is not immediately obvious. So much so, in fact, some users seem to think the folder has been removed entirely.In fact, there are now two ways to access your drafts in the iOS 8 Twitter app. The simplest is to hold down the compose icon in the top right corner of the app, which brings up your drafts folder, but you can also find drafts in Twitter's main compose menu under the quill icon in the bottom right corner of the app.


For anyone confused about where lists live in the new Twitter app: lists can be found under the settings menu on your profile page. From there, you'll see tabs for the lists you're subscribed to and the lists you're a member of.

Twitter drafts

Twitter lists

if you want to view another user's public lists, open the settings menu from their profile to display the lists they are members of and those they are subscribed to.



Monday 22 September 2014

Latest And Stylish Blogging Platform Ways - More Blogging Platform Ways

Latest And Stylish Blogging Platform Ways - More Blogging Platform Ways

Hello everyone's ! in this article was saying about A New creating Blogging Platform ways See Here Why You Need this best Platform Ways? Svbtle stylish blogging platform that opened up to all users at the beginning of the year, has pivoted into a paid-for service, which costs $6 per month.Created by prominent designer Dustin Curtis, Svbtle was initially an invite-only platform for selected users when in launched in 2011. That changed in January of this year, when it opened to all who could sign up for free Curtis says that the new membership fee will allow the service “live forever. Svbtle is actually free to use for an initial 30-day period, after which payment kicks it. It now allows new users to register a Svbtle domain for the first time, although they can replace it with a custom domain name if they prefer.]


subscription fee is being applied to new users only, which means those who already have a Svbtle blog can continue to use it for free. There are features that are locked to paying users only, however, and that includes the ability to let viewers subscribe to your blog for updates via email.


Curtis declined to give specific metrics for Svbtle users or usage, but he did tease that a number of other new features are headed to the service soon. personal capacity all that much these days, but Svbtle and Tumblr are my platforms of choice when I do, predominantly because I like the design.
In Svbtle’s case, it has a vibrant community of writers who produce quality content.However, Medium has grown into a significant company that dominates the scene as a platform for casual or leisurely blogging, so it makes sense that Svbtle is pivoting its offering towards those who take their writing seriously enough to pay for it.


The new pricing brings Svbtle into direct competition with Ghost, the crowd-funded service that costs upwards of $5 per month with membership packages based on the volume of visitors that a blog receives per month.



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