Friday 29 August 2014

How To Unlock HTC One M8 Easy To Get with New Update Versions

How To Unlock HTC One M8 Easy To Get with New Update Versions

Hi Dear friends! The new HTC One is a great smartphone that does a lot of fantastic things. We can tell that the company listened to feedback, focused on areas that needed improvement and added some innovative new features that are actually useful along the way. The new design looks fresh and inviting; the Duo Camera's new abilities are fun and useful (a rare combination, it seems); the performance is fantastic; battery life has improved significantly; the new version of HTC Sense is even better than the last (but please, HTC, don't make "Sixth Sense" a thing, okay?); and the company continues to improve features like BoomSound and BlinkFeed. Naturally, these factors are convincing enough for us to give high marks on the new One.


The biggest problem with the M8 is that it doesn't raise the bar much higher than it already is -- and that's going to make it difficult to stand apart from competing devices like the Galaxy S5. Yes, Samsung's upcoming flagship is an iterative improvement as well, but for better or worse, the company will still sell millions of units while HTC's success remains uncertain. Duo Camera is a clever new touch, but we also needed to see improvements to HTC's UltraPixel tech; hardware that's just as easy to hold as it is to admire; and other new features that show us the company is changing the game again this year as much as it did in 2013. Keeping that momentum going is the biggest challenge a smartphone maker can face, but we fear that it's the only way HTC can stick its head above the rest of the crowd.


Unlocked HTC One M8 owners should see a software update this week, although it won’t quite be the latest version of Android.

HTC Vice President of Management Mo Versi said on his Twitter account that the unlocked/international version of HTC’s flagship device should be seeing Android 4.4.3 late this week. However, that is one small update short of the most recent version of Android, which is 4.4.4.

According to Mersi, the company is incorporating the security improvements from that update and is rolling it out with 4.4.3. He replied to another Twitter user asking about their M7 update that there was, “no need for 4.4.4.”

Versi also recently reaffirmed that the M7 and M8 will receive Android L within 90 days of its release. Versi tweets pretty regularly about software updates and device information, so if you have an HTC handset he may be worth following.

HTC has put out a fairly good release schedule in comparison to other Android handset makers. However, the latest update information further indicates that those who want the fastest access to the latest version of Android are still better off going with a Nexus or Google Play Edition device.

New And best iPad App's Released

New And best iPad App's Released

Hello Everyone's See here latest updatex every date and aday's to see and chose you are platform..mostly Q&A website where users answer everything from requests for travel tips to philosophical queries like "Why does war exist," isn't the most widely-discussed service these days. It certainly hasn't gotten the same amount of attention as, say, Biz Stone's Q&A app Jelly.But Quora is more popular than ever, its CEO insists. The company rolled out its first iPad app Thursday (nearly three years after the launch of its iPhone app); cofounder and CEO Adam D'Angelo wrote in a blog post that his first tablet app would help fuel further growth.Though the CEO stopped short of revealing hard user numbers, he said the number of answers written per week has tripled in the last year  and that the past week "was Quora’s highest week ever across many metrics.


Even if no new users joined Quora from here forward, we would add more answers in the next year than we have added in the last four and a half years since we started," D'Angelo wrote.he Quora iPad app closely resembles the site's recently redesigned website, which focused on making a text-based service more visually appealing.We focused on clear navigation and readable typography, and made numerous under-the-hood improvements to ensure a more stable and bug-free experience," the company wrote in ablog post.The app also makes it easier for users to format and customize the look of their posts with aredesigned text editor. This includes a toolbar with formatting tools like blockquotes, headings, and bold, italic and underline fonts.

   Screen Shot 2014-08-28 at 10.58.10 AM

changes will be rolling out to the iPhone and Android version of the app in the next couple weeks.
The four-year-old startup still has no ads or sponsored content on its site. But D'Angelo toldRecode that ads may start appearing within the next year. The lack of revenue hasn't deterred investors; the company closed an $80 million round of funding earlier this year and is reportedlyvalued at about $900 million.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Flappy Bird Creator  To Launch New Game - See Here

Flappy Bird Creator To Launch New Game - See Here

Hello friends! The creator of Flappy Bird is launching his follow-up game this week, and if the teaser trailer forSwing Copters is any indication, it'll be just as addictive and frustrating.The game, which looks extremely similar to Flappy Bird and features a little guy with a helicopter attached to his helmet, will hit app stores on Thursday, according to gaming site TouchArcade. The goal is to maneuver the character in between obstacles like swinging hammers without getting hit.The app is expected to be free to download and a one-time charge of $0.99 to remove ads within the app.



Earlier this year creator Dong Nguyen mysteriously pulled Flappy Bird from the App Store, despite it bringing in a reported $55,000 in ad revenue every day. He said the stresses of success were too much for him to handle, even though fans begged him to keep Flappy Birdflying. Now, he's ready to jump back into the app game.

Some believe Flappy Bird was so popular because it's so frustrating to play. It's designed to be simple but, in practice, the task is extremely difficult. The removal spawned a series of Flappy Bird knock-offs, and in some ways, you might thing Swing Copters looks like it could fit into that category, too.

Ironically, Flappy Bird has been compared to The Helicopter Game created by David McCandless in 2000. Its creator even tweeted about the similarities, calling it "another rip of my helicopter game.




Sunday 17 August 2014

How to Make A Free Call From PC To Mobile Without Using Any Software

Hello Guys! We are All Using mobilephones to make a voice call,its the best and cheapest way. Have you ever thought ofmaking a voice call through your PC to a mobile . we can even make a call from our PC to any mobile phone for free.It's not that difficult infact thats very simple,but you need to follow some steps to do so. Here I gave a small trick to make a call from Your PC or Laptop to Mobile Phone by using an app called viber.


Viber is a app which can be used on any kind of platform,it can be used on Windows 7.5 or later version, Android 2.0 or later version,IOS and Symbian systems.Now a days many of us are using Smart Phones with minimum of these features.


  • A PC from which you are calling should be installed with this Viber.
  • A device or a mobile to which you are calling should also be installed with Viber app.
  •    Firstly,Download and Install Bluestacks on Your PC.

  • In search bar search for Viber app and download it as shown in the following

  • After downloading Install it on your PC.
  • After installing click on it ,follow the instructions and give the details accordingly.
  •  You can download Viber directly by clicking here.
  •  Viber gets downloaded on your PC.

You People may know this,if you want to have Viber on your mobile you simply search it in app store and install it.


Latest Beta iOS 8 New Tips App

Latest Beta iOS 8 New Tips App

Hello everyone's Last year’s iOS update brought the biggest upheaval in iOS’s short history and a dramatic shift in design ethos. iOS 8 aims to build on that overhaul, bringing more polish to what many considered a rushed job. It’s hardly surprising, then, that this year’s updates are less dramatic, but as usual there’s no shortage of small upgrades to absorb. Read more: Apple launches iOS 8 at WWDC 2014.Perhaps the change that’s most noticeable in day-to-day use is the new keyboard: QuickType finally kills off the bubble-based suggestions that appeared in iOS 7 and earlier releases and replaces them with three suggestions in a bar that appear immediately above the keyboard.


Apple just revealed more details about the upcoming iOS 8.The Cupertino-based company rolled out the iOS 8 beta 4, which includes a new built-in app called Tips, to developers Monday.In addition to the new Tips app, the latest version of the iOS 8 comes with a redesigned control center and new menus in Settings, including separate panels for wallpaper and display and brightness, according to iDownloadBlog.

                               ios8 beta 4

control center and settings tweaks aren't major changes, the Tips app is a brand new addition. The app is apparently designed to give users tips and tricks for using iOS 8's features, according to iDownloadBlog. The app will be updated weekly with new tips from Apple, such as navigation shortcuts or tutorials on dictating text messages or how to get the most out of Siri.


Apple is pushing out the update through its over-the-air updating system. It's also available in the iOS Developer Center. Right now, however, only registered developers are able to check out the new iOS 8 beta. The full version of iOS 8 is expected to roll out to consumers this fall when Apple releases the next iPhone.Apple also released a new developer preview version of the upcoming OS X Yosemite. Apple is expected to release a public beta version of Yosemite prior to the full launch later this month.


Friday 15 August 2014

iPhone's Smart Contact App Released And Features And Reviews

iPhone's Smart Contact App Released And Features And Reviews

Hi Friends! free app that promised to completely rethink the traditional phone and contacts app, has finally rolled out to Apple's app store.Humin combines contacts, voicemail and calling in one slick phone app. Rather than offering a standard contacts list, the app organizes individuals' information based on their relationship to you.It also pulls in information from your email, calendar and social media accounts so it can help find connections from your networks even if their information isn't saved in your address book.


App first started rolling out to users in January as a private beta that included about 20,000 people from countries all over the world. From high school students to Fortune 100 executives to celebrities such as every kind of user seemed to be getting in on the beta.
Humin CEO and cofounder Ankur Jain says these early users  he calls them "influencers" were selected partly because they have enormous unwieldy contacts lists. Before Humin, these contacts were likely organized alphabetically with little to no context.Providing these individuals with access to Humin's contextual search, which lets you find people with queries like "met last weekend" or "works at Google," helped the company fine tune the app's design."The most common feedback we've gotten is why hasn't this been done before," Jain toldMashable. "The idea itself is pretty intuitive, because it's what we naturally do all the time. It's just that technology has only now allowed us to solve this problem.

                                 Humin app

Free app is iPhone only for now, but the company is already looking beyond the Apple device. An Android app, which Jain says will be "even smarter," is in the works. He hints that Humin's contextual search may eventually fins its way to wearables  and even cars.
"You can start to imagine how this search technology can start to apply itself to the operating systems of your cars and smartwatches," he says. "Take the idea of how you remember people the way you naturally do, and put them in the context of your daily life in the way you can with your phone, but on your cars and smart-watches


Wednesday 13 August 2014

How i See Messages in Facebook APP Without Downloading Messenger

How i See Messages in Facebook APP Without Downloading Messenger

Hello My dear friends........! Good news, Facebook Messenger haters there's a way to keep your messages in the main app without downloading Messenger.Facebook began moving messages out of the main app last week, but as it turns out, there's a surprisingly simple workaround that allows you to keep chatting without the extra app.When trying to access messages from within the main Facebook app, you now get an alert saying that messages have moved to the Messenger app, as well as a prompt to download the new app from Apple's App Store or Google Play.


Messenger is just like texting, but you don't have to pay for every message (it works with your data plan).

Not just for Facebook friends: Message people in your phone book and just enter a phone number to add a new contact.

Group chats: Create groups for the people you message most. Name them, set group photos and keep them all in one place.

Photos and videos: Shoot videos and snap selfies or other photos right from the app and send them with one tap.

Chat heads: Keep the conversation going while you use other apps.

                                 Facebook Messenger download

use this trick, go ahead and select "Install Messenger," which then directs you to the App Store or Google Play. Begin downloading the app, but stop the download before it finishes installing. Now, when you go back to the main Facebook app, messages are once again displayed in the messages tab. The workaround first spotted by The Guardian works with both the iPhone and Android apps (messages are still accessible via Facebook's iPad app).Of course, there's a chance Facebook may update its apps to close this loophole, so the workaround may not be effective for long. Your other option, aside from jailbreaking your phone, is to use the mobile-web version of Facebook instead of the app.Not all of Facebook's mobile users have been forced to download Messenger, yet; the company previously confirmed it would take several weeks for the change to roll out to all users.


Friday 8 August 2014

How To Check Who Visited Your Facebook Account More Times- Facebook Tips And Tricks

Hello My Dear Friends Now a days we are all using many more accounts ( With Fake _ and Genuine. so everyone';s to more important Facebook is the most popular social networking site now a days. Every one has the curiosity to know who is visiting their own facebook profile. Boy is curios to know whether his girl friend visits his profile. So in this article we are coming with a new trick you can know who visited to your Facebook profile and also you can know who visits your account most of the times. Follow these steps and you can find out which people see your profile.



  • Go to the main page and Navigate to Facebook Timeline/profile.

  • Right click and hit View Source or you can simply use a quick shortcut - Ctrl+U to view the source code.
  • Use the webpage search function Ctrl+f search for InitialChatFriendsList.
  • You will see a set/list of profile ID's within quotes. These are the profile ID's of your friends who visit your profile most of the time.

  • The first person on the list is the person who visits your account for maximum number of times whereas the last person is the person who visits the minimum number of times.
  • Copy the Any one of the Facebook ID shown in the set of ID's and paste it after with a "slash" (/) and hit enter.
  • For example- If the ID is- xyzxyzyxzxyz then you need to type in your address bar and hit enter.


Thursday 7 August 2014

How To Protect More Security From  WordPress Websites

How To Protect More Security From WordPress Websites

Hi Friends.. website runs on a self-hosted WordPress installation or on Drupal, update your software now.Nir Goldshlager, a security researcher from's product security team, has discovered an XML vulnerability that impacts the popular website platforms WordPress and Drupal.The vulnerability uses a well-known XML Quadratic Blowup Attack and when executed, it can take down an entire website or server almost instantly.


big deal because
WordPress and Drupal are used by millions of websites. The latest statistics from the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) show WordPress alone powers nearly 23% of the web.The XML vulnerability Goldshlager discovered affects WordPress versions 3.5 to 3.9 (the current version) and works on the default installation. It affects Drupal versions 6.x to 7.x (the latest version) and also works on the default installation.The good news is that both WordPress and Drupal have released patches for their applications. Users and web hosts simply need to upgrade to the latest version to protect against the vulnerability.When the vulnerability is exploited, the results can basically render a website or web server unusable. The vulnerability can cause 100% CPU and RAM usage, cause the server to become unavailable and also create a Denial of Service attack on the MySQL database program.



vulnerability uses what is called an XML Quadratic Blowup Attack. This type of attack is similar to a Billion Laughs attack, which can allow a very small XML document to totally disrupt the services on machine in a matter of seconds .The Quadratic Blowup Attack is similar; however, instead of using nested entities inside an XML document, it just repeats one large entity with tens of thousands of characters over and over again.With this type of attack, an XML document that might be a few hundred kilobytes in size can end up requiring hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes of memory. That will easily bring down an entire website or web server.
In Goldshlager's words:
"If an attacker defines the entity "&x;" as 55,000 characters long, and refers to that entity 55,000 times inside the "DoS" element, the parser ends up with an XML Quadratic Blowup attack payload slightly over 200 KB in size that expands to 2.5 GB when parsed. This expansion is enough to take down the parsing process.


Default memory allocation limit for PHP (the language that WordPress and Drupal are written in) is 128MB per process. In theory, this means that you can't exceed the 128MB limit with an XML bomb request. So far so good, right?
Here's the problem: Apache, the world's most popular web server, has its "Max Clients" property set to 256 by default. Meanwhile, MySQL, the database that WordPress and Drupal use, has its default "Max Connections" value set to 151.If we multiply those connections against one another (128x151), we get 19328MB  which will consume all available memory.To successfully attack the server, the attacker needs to fingerprint the available memory limit on the victim's server. If the attack overwrites the PHP limit, the server will reject the overwrite, rendering the attack unsuccessful.

A successful attack, however, will return the injected payload as a result. This will bring down the system.
WordPress and Drupal have both updated their software to protect against this vulnerability. The update procedure will vary based on your setup.WordPress 3.7 introduced automatic updates for minor releases for this very reason. This allows security patches, such as this one, to get rolled out to users automatically.Automatic updates can turned on or off at the discretion of your web host, so it's a good idea to check your settings and update manually if automatic updates are not enabled.


 potential vector size of this vulnerability, Goldshlager made sure to responsibly disclose the vulnerability to the WordPress and Drupal teams before sharing the results with the public.
This allowed the teams time to patch their respective pieces of software before the vulnerability was exploited on a large scale.
Given the nature of this type of attack  and the relative ease in which it could have been exploited  the repercussions for plenty of website owners and web hosts could have been innumerable. WordPress alone is used by many of the biggest publishers on the web  not to mentions millions upon millions of regular users and small businesses Responsible disclosure was the best way to get the issue out in the open, and also fixed.
Notably, the WordPress and Drupal teams worked together on this solution and timed their security releases to coincide with one another.
Because the vulnerability targets WordPress's XML-RPC library file  a file that Drupal uses a derivative of  it made sense for the teams to work together on a patch and release.
Mashable worked with Goldshlager in preparing this post and writing up the disclosure, in the hopes that we can get the word out to as many people as possible. If you're running WordPress or Drupal, update now.



Tuesday 5 August 2014

Samsung Upcoming Mobile's And features This Month

Samsung Upcoming Mobile's And features This Month

Hello Friends! Samsung Galaxy smartphone appeared on Chinese social media site Weibo. The photos show a decidedly grooved metal design  an iPhone trademark on generations 5 and later — not shared by past Galaxy models. leaked images are unverified, and Samsung has so far been silent on the existence of a new Galaxy. A metallic exterior would be a departure from previous Galaxy phones, which have typically brandished plastic backsides, sometimes textured to give the feel of leather or metal.


chamfered edge would also be new for Samsung, although the accusation of stealing it from Apple would not be. those who are eager to get their hands on the phone, British retailer MobileFun is offering pre-orders of the so-called Galaxy Alpha for $939 without a SIM card. The website touts the Alpha's fingerprint scanner and a 12-megapixel camera, putting it in the same league as the Galaxy S5.

                                        Samsung Galaxy Alpha in hand

Samsung rumor website SamMobile released images two weeks ago that reportedly showed early Alpha prototypes. However, while those photos showed only a black version, while the new photos display a white body, suggesting that Samsung may offer both colors for the Galaxy Alpha, as they have with previous Galaxy phones.So far no pics of a gold Galaxy Alpha have turned up.

Galaxy Alpha is expected to run Android 4.4 "KitKat" and start at 32GB of storage. The same Weibo page that leaked the photos claims that Alpha will come in both 4.7- and 6.7-inch sizes.

While Samsung itself has not confirmed a release date, SamMobile originally reported that the phone would be announced on Aug. 4. However, the site is now saying the date to watch is Aug. 13.


Monday 4 August 2014

Top And Best 5 Android Tablet App's

Top And Best 5 Android Tablet App's

Hi Friends! starting to give Android some love, with many excellent choices available if you are looking to do some stylus-powered note-taking, drawing, or other creative tasks.Grab your stylus and head to the Play Store for some of the following choices, which offer the best usability for typing-free productivity and creativity.




Skitch is an excellent multi-purpose tool, as it can can be used for marking up web pages, PDFs, images, maps, and just general blank pages. found Skitch to be extremely useful for adding details to maps before sending it to friends for an event. Sometimes Google Maps leaves out a few details, and other times you just need more explicit instructions to avoid getting lost.Skitch is an Evernote app, so any Skitch notes can be synced back to your main Evernote account for viewing or further editing on other platforms.



Notepad+ finally made its way over to Android after gaining lots of praise from iOS users. It has a good set of writing and drawing tools, including multiple pen types, highlighters and erasers. The interface puts the key tools at the top with good spacing so it’s easy to quickly tap the right target.I was also impressed with the ability to cut, copy, and paste ink anywhere on the page. It is nice to be able to make such an adjustment instead of only having to erase any ink.



Microsoft has ramped up its OneNote app. It owes its existence to the Windows XP Tablet Edition era when Microsoft was pushing stylus-powered tablet PCs as the future of computing. They were a little ahead of the game with that one, perhaps.OneNote is now making the transition to the touch and cloud era with many updates to the Android app and continual features rolling out to the OS X and Windows desktop versions. The beta version of OneNote, which is targeted toward early adopters who want to try out the app’s new features, now supports inking.Getting the app takes a few extra steps: you must join the OneNote Beta Google+ community and then download (or re-download) the OneNote Android app. You will then have the beta and can start marking away with your stylus.



interface for NoteAnytime seems to be designed a with stylus in mind, as the buttons are rather tiny and may not be finger-friendly for everyone.Yet it makes for a powerful app, with strong digital whiteboard and sketchbook features. It has a large color palette and calligraphy pens, along with regular writing tools, markers, and highlighters.If you are not sure about springing for the full-version of the app ($2) there is a pretty well-featured lite version that provides enough features to help you decide if the pro version is worthwhile.



AutoDesk has a healthy family of apps in the Play Store designed for drawing, design, and architecture. The company is rather dominant in this field with its SketchBook and AutoCAD apps. SketchBook may be a good choice for its diversity of illustration tools. You can create a full-fledged piece of art or use your Android tablet for a digital doodling pad. If you are using a Galaxy Note or other tablet and want a form factor more designed for a phone, then go with SketchBook Mobile.The SketchBook apps also offer a free version, with the pro option costing $5 to further empower your stylus.



Saturday 2 August 2014

How to remove or Troubleshoot Mac WiFi Problems

How to remove or Troubleshoot Mac WiFi Problems

Hi Friends! Wi-Fi has become our preferred way to connect our Macs to other networked devices and the Internet. However, most of us also have times when those connections slow down or fail altogether. When that happens, however, there are several things you can do to diagnose and (ideally) fix the problem.


Remember about Wi-Fi is that it’s a form of radio: Signals are passed to and from your Mac and your router (and any other networked devices) by transmitters and receivers at both ends tuned to the same frequency. While the information being sent might be digital in nature, the medium it rides on is analog. As such, the ability to transmit and receive data via Wi-Fi is dependent on two things: the strength of the signal between those transmitters and receivers; and the volume of interference unusable “noise” from other devices using that same frequency.

The analogy is to listening to the radio in your car: Sometimes, the signal gets weaker as you drive farther away from the station’s transmitter. Other times, even if the signal is crisp and strong, you might hear two different stations one you want to listen to, one you don’t—on the same channel; that’s noise.


Mac’s ability to maintain a good Wi-Fi connection is a function of both of these signal types: If the signal from your router to your computer is too weak or if there’s too much noise from competing signals, then—as with your car radio—your Mac will lose its ability to make sense of what it’s “hearing.”

        OS X wireless diagnostics

You can see all this activity in real-time using OS X’s built-in Wireless Diagnostics utility (/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/). Open this utility and choose Utilities from the Window menu. In the panel that then appears, open the Performance tab. You should see two graphs: One showing the signal and noise levels, another showing the ratio of the two (a common way to determine relative strength). (The levels measured in that first graph are negative because they’re based on the logarithms of values between 0 and 1, and such logarithms are negative.)

In general, for the signal measurement you want to see values of -10 to -70 dBm (decibel-milliwatts); for noise, -80 to -100 dBm. As the levels of the signal and of the noise get closer to one another, your wireless connection will begin dropping data packets and requiring that they be resent. This will slow down data transmission, and potentially cause your Mac to drop its connection altogether.

          netspot utility

Upgrade OS X to the latest version if you have not already done so.
Run Apple’s hardware tests; if any errors crop up (especially anything pertaining to networking and Wi-Fi), you can then investigate them further.
Try a new network location by going to the Network system preferences and then choosing Edit Locations from the Location menu, followed by clicking the plus button to create and name a new location. This will populate the new connections list with all of the current networking hardware ports, and give them new configurations to work with.
Clear your Mac’s network configuration by going to the /Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ folder and removing the following configuration files: NetworkInterfaces.plist;; After doing this, restart and then set up your Wi-Fi connections again. Note that this will remove most of your network settings, so any specific customizations you have made will need to be re-established.

             OS X network locations



Friday 1 August 2014

Top And Latest Apple iOS 8 Features And Tips

Top And Latest Apple iOS 8 Features And Tips

Hi Friends!  Cupertino-based company rolled out the iOS 8 beta 4, which includes a new built-in app called Tips, to developers Monday.In addition to the new Tips app, the latest version of the iOS 8 comes with a redesigned control center and new menus in Settings, including separate panels for wallpaper and display and brightness, according to iDownloadBlog.

ios8 beta 4

While the control center and settings tweaks aren't major changes, the Tips app is a brand new addition. The app is apparently designed to give users tips and tricks for using iOS 8's features, according to iDownloadBlog. The app will be updated weekly with new tips from Apple, such as navigation shortcuts or tutorials on dictating text messages or how to get the most out of Siri.

   ios 8 tips app

Apple is pushing out the update through its over-the-air updating system. It's also available in the iOS Developer Center. Right now, however, only registered developers are able to check out the new iOS 8 beta. The full version of iOS 8 is expected to roll out to consumers this fall when Apple releases the next iPhone.

Apple also released a new developer preview version of the upcoming OS X Yosemite. Apple is expected to release a public beta version of Yosemite prior to the full launch later this month.