Tuesday 18 November 2014

How To (or) i Keep Your Twitter Sharing Messages And URL'S Easy Steps

Hi Friends, You At TECHDEBUTE!

in The Mostly Using Manu People's Are Some more Social Networking Websites So Here I am Totally Teach You , You Know Here Some Thing Knew About Latest Tips For Twitter it was One of our favorite ease of use features is finding and following new celebrities, charities, political figures, businesses, family, friends, colleagues, etc. Get personal and allow Twitter access to your Gmail address book where anyone you have ever emailed (and who has a Twitter account) can be found and followed. For everyone or thing you are following, Twitter offers suggestions of similar people and things for you to follow. Or you can select the "who to follow" tab located at the top of the Twitter page and see hundreds of suggestions separated by category. Interested in Art and Design? Twitter suggests following TECHDEBUTE So easy, but oh so wonderful.


Now Twitter has been working on updating and expanding its service, there’s been one issue driving some users of the micro-blogging site batty; the inability to share URLs via DMs,Direct MessagesToday you can once again share URLs via DMs with your friends. The Twitter support page concerning DMs had up until today, a message that the company was updating its backend and infrastructure. That work has been completed and with that, the you can send URLs again.

Restructuring work need to be completed to help Twitter capture spammy links that could end up flooding users’ DMs. With that done, tweet all the links you want.Twitter is expected to roll out private sharing of public tweets via DMs this week. Together with today’s backend update, you’ll soon a more robust Twitter messaging experience.
