Wednesday 26 March 2014

How To Recover Files From Dead PC

How To Recover Files From Dead PC

 Easiest, fastest, and cheapest way to recover files from a dead PC doesn't require any access to the computer. You simply restore the files from your most recent backup.Unless, of course, you don't have a recent backup. And I'm guessing you don't. People with up-to-date backups don't ask me this sort of question.So let's look at other, less desirable fixes.First, try booting the computer in Safe Mode. In Windows 7 and earlier versions, boot the computer and quickly and repeatedly press F8 before Windows starts to load. If the computer is at all successful, you'll get a boot menu from which you can select Safe Mode.Windows 8 is trickier. F8 or Shift-F8 might work. But it might not.If you succeed in booting into Safe Mode, you can use Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Windows  to find the files and drag them to an external drive.
 booting a live Linux variation from a CD or flash drive. You generally download a live version of Linux as an .ISO file. Double-clicking it should start the process of burning the operating system to a bootable CD. If you don't have an optical drive on the broken PC, use the Universal USB Installer to set up a bootable flash drive.           
                    0320 principal
Just about every distribution of Linux is available in a Live version, which means you can boot it without installing it. Consider the popular and powerfulUbuntu, the small and quick Puppy, orPartedMagic, which comes with a lot of repair tools. I discuss PartedMagic in detail in The Bootable Maintenance Flash Drive, but be warned: Since I wrote that article, this once-free program now costs $5.
If that doesn't work, you'll have to remove the hard drive and get to it through another computer. This is a reasonably easy task, especially with a laptop. Check your model's documentation—which is almost certainly online to see how.
                                               0320 universal usb installer
SATA-USB adapter to turn it temporarily into an external drive, so you can connect to it to another computer. These adapters generally run about $20.
If you still can't get anything off of the hard drive, you'll have to use a professional data recovery service—an option that can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I've never had to use one myself, but a PCWorld visit to DriveSavers last year offers a peek into the art and craft ofprying data off dead drives.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Dark Souls 2 Free Download For PC,Windows 7/8/XP/XBOX360/PS3

Dark Souls 2 Free Download For PC,Windows 7/8/XP/XBOX360/PS3

Dark Souls," the game reminds you upon your very first demise, the achievement popping onto the screen like an extra punch in the face. Like its predecessors, Dark Souls II is an ultra-hard third-person "action" game where you'll spend quite a bit of time dead, staring at loading screens.You're cursed, a person who feasts on other creatures' souls to hold onto your humanity. Even fifteen hours into the game I have very little clue what the story is something about a magic kingdom of Drangleic that crumbled to ruins. You'll wander through these ruins, looking for something important. Mostly you'll fight your way through a veritable army of enemies that want you dead. These enemies range from small demon pigs to enormous serpents that spit fire at you. Combat is fairly realistic, governed by a stamina meter that always runs out right when you need it most, leaving you to get murdered by a giant's ill-timed sword blow. 


Dark Souls II became the same stretch of ruin for me. First I'd run up the stone stairs from the bonfire I'd lit, which served as a respawn point. I'd murder the waiting giant with the longsword. Then I'd walk up more stairs and get murdered by the giant with the oversized mace.Finally I killed the giant with the longsword so many times he disappeared forever. This is a new mechanic in Dark Souls II to prevent players from grinding low-level areas for hours on end—after you kill enemies a certain number of times they disappear. Each enemy is different, clearly, since once I defeated the giant with the mace a single time he never came back.playable classes have been revamped. Gone is the newcomer-friendly pyromancer class from Dark Souls. I played as a Warrior, because I like the sword-and-shield dynamic, but there seems to be a class fit for any range of magic-and-melee you choose.


Characters can now equip three weapons on each hand, allowing you a bit more flexibility to hot-swap in the middle of battle. The camera also seems improved from the last game. Locking on to an enemy no longer left me staring at a wall in the midst of a tense fight, which is appreciated. Covenants pacts that regularly draw you in to participate in the game's unique "invasion"-style multiplayer, where players drop into each other's worlds to help or murder each other also look to play a bigger role in Dark Souls II. Even the first area you enter gives you the option to join a covenant, warning that it will set you on an "arduous path." 



Monday 24 March 2014

The Walking Dead Free download For PC Windows 7/8/XP/Vista

The Walking Dead Free download For PC Windows 7/8/XP/Vista

The Walking Dead 2 kicked off to a weak start last December, at least compared to the high standards the first season set. But any misgivings that I carried from that shaky beginning were discarded by the end of "A House Divided," the second episode of the season.If the last episode was an adrenaline-packed intro to Clementine's status quo in the new season, Episode 2 is the pause to catch our breath. And it's so much better off for that breathing room, providing space to develop new characters and call back to last season.At the outset of "A House Divided," Clementine is still recovering from a series of brutal events and hanging out with a new group of survivors facing their own troubles. Unlike last time, though, we actually spend a while getting to know this fresh cast. Straight-laced leader Luke, caring husband Alvin, naïve teenager Sarah  each of these surface-level archetypes is fleshed out considerably, with even more depth hinted at for future episodes.


In service of that character development, Episode 2 moves at a much more comfortable pace. Most of the episode's two hours is spent in conversation, with deadly set pieces few and far between. And it's not just new characters in the spotlight. Episode 2 also recalls some friends from Clementine's past in some very surprising ways.I was most impressed with the way "A House Divided" looks forward and backward simultaneously. While Clementine is getting to know her new companions, they're also getting to know her — which gives Clem plenty of chances to reference horrors from the first season. There are even some special twists in store for hardcore fans who played through 400 Days, the interstitial episode released between Season 1 and Season 2 of The Walking Dead.


Don't let the focus on narrative fool you into thinking this is an overly talkative episode, though. As with all things The Walking Dead, character moments are interspersed with intense action; when that action arrives, it's more subdued but hits much harder than the over-the-top gore of last episode. The stakes also feel higher since the game has now provided more opportunity to care about characters whose lives arevery much at risk.Episode 2 ratchets up the tension smartly, one notch at a time, so even the most mundane, seemingly safe scenes hum with a nervous energy  a constant reminder that things will, inevitably, go terribly wrong. And so they do. The payoff in "A House Divided" is stupendous, hitting a climax with multiple conclusions that is honestly one of my favorite moments from either season of The Walking Dead to this point.

Much of Episode 2's explosive build-up rests on the shoulders of a creepy villain introduced herein. This love-to-hate-him antagonist is similar to those seen in the Robert Kirkman comic that The Walking Dead is based on — a brutal head of a community who will go to extreme, morally questionable lengths to protect his people — but it's a story thread the game has never explored. I can only hope this brilliant bad guy sticks around for many episodes to come.


Game Of Thrones Free download For PC,Windows 7/8/XP/Vista/SP3

Game Of Thrones Free download For PC,Windows 7/8/XP/Vista/SP3

Power-crazed Game of Thrones despot Joffrey Baratheon sneeringly rules the cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly as we go behind the scenes of the biggest, bloodiest season of the HBO fantasy hit yet.Across 10 pages, we crash the filming of Joffrey’s long-awaited wedding in Croatia for a full week on the set. It’s the first time since the Thrones pilot that so many major characters have been together in one place and quite likely the last — season 4 has an unprecedented number of character deaths. “It’s just more intense than it ever has been,” says showrunner David Benioff. “We always before had breathing room episodes before. There’s just no relaxing this season. If we can pull this off, it will top season 3.  


What makes season 4 so intense? Bigger dragons (who are no longer listening to Daenerys “mom” Targaryen), more action (including the most epic sword-clanging battle sequence in the show’s history), bigger sets (such as a massive throne room atop an 800-foot pyramid) and darker turns (this time, it’s the “nice” characters you have to worry about). “Particularly this season, and absolutely with Ygritte, there are so many characters out for blood,” says co-star Rose Leslie.

Get the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly where we give you a handy season 4 catch-up primer, fill you in on where all your favorite characters are headed in the season premiere (which airs April 6), do a Q&A with co-star Peter Dinklage, get a first look at some cool new props (Jaime’s golden hand!) and fashion from the season, and more.

Game Of Thrones Requirements:


Processer ; AMD/intel Dual Core 2.2 GHz.

Memory; 2048 MB.

Graphics; 256 MB and Direct X.

Hard Drive ; 7 GB.

Sound; Direct X.


How To  Start Menu Back To Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Tools

How To Start Menu Back To Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Tools

Start Menu Reviver largely depends on what you want out of a Windows 8 Start Menu. If you want something that mimics the Windows 7 Start Menu exactly, you're better off with Stardock's Start8 or Iobit's Start Menu 8. If you want something that's more of a melding of Windows 8 and a start menu, Start Menu Reviver might be what you seek.

By default, Start Menu Reviver looks like an Ease of Access application for the sight-challenged, but you can reduce it to a normal size..Start Menu Reviver has the usual search box at the bottom. However, this is where I first noticed that there's no tabbing between fields or sections as there is in a normal Start Menu. It can be considerably faster navigating when you can use both the mouse and the keyboard. Not everyonetouch-oriented yet.

When you first install Start Menu Reviver, it defaults to its large size. It's handy for touchscreens, but on a monitor or laptop screen, it looks like an Ease of Access feature for the eyesight-challenged. You can select a size that is more in keeping with the aspect ratios employed throughout the desktop. Start Menu Reviver sits on the task bar approximately where you'd expect to find it, but a little to the right. As with other Start Menus for Windows 8, you can change the icon to suit your taste.

In a column on the left of Start Menu Reviver resides a list of common Windows programs (desktop and modern UI) such as Task Manager (modern UI version), Network (desktop), Run (desktop), and the user name (which actually takes you to User Account Control rather than the user folder the way that most Start menus do). To the right are My Computer, Internet Explorer (desktop), a link for the modern UI, and a bunch of other tiles representing both legacy and modern UI apps. You can freely arrange—and even resize—the tiles, just as with the Modern UI.
Start Menu Reviver lacks the fine control over switching between the desktop and modern UI that the competition offers. You can have the Windows Key invoke Reviver rather than the modern UI, but that's about it. Start8 and Start Menu 8 both allow you to take the modern UI out of the mix entirely.

Start Menu Reviver is free, and it's nice that Windows 8 users have another choice when it comes to putting back the Start Menu that Microsoft so thoughtfully decided you no longer need. It's not my top choice, but not everyone works the same. Give it a spin along with the others and share your opinion.
How To Download & install Direct X 12 Latest Version for PC Gaming Softwares

How To Download & install Direct X 12 Latest Version for PC Gaming Softwares

 Generation of DirectX is finally on its way. But a specter hung over Microsoft's introduction of DirectX 12at GDC on Thursday: AMD's in-house Mantle technology.While AMD's Raja Koduri was on-hand to say that DirectX 12 and Direct3D 12 was like "getting four generations of hardware ahead," the technology may have never seen the light of day without AMD's goading. After securing deals to create the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One's hardware, the company unveiled Mantle a new set of console-like application programming interfaces designed to give game developers more direct access to PC hardware, and thus, boost graphics performance.As Mantle technology began appearing in actual games, AMD officials wondered aloudwhether a new version of DirectX would ever arrive, given Microsoft's strong focus on Xbox. Mere weeks later, here we are, and at first blush DirectX 12 appears awfully similar to Mantle. (That's what happens when you poke the bear!)So how do Mantle and DirectX 12 stack up? Why should you care about either of them? Let's take a peek at what matters to you, dearest PC gamer.

DirectX and OpenGL APIs powering virtually all PC games take a "high level" approach to ensure compatibility with the vast universe of PC hardware. Console developers are used to lower-level, "close-to-the-metal" access that lets them do more powerful things with hardware stemming from the more direct control.

Mantle mimics that by letting games written for Mantle talk directly to the Graphics Core Next architecture at the heart of AMD's Radeon Graphics cores, improving efficiency (read: performance) by reducing CPU bottlenecks.
Microsoft promises similar "console-like" efficiency for DirectX 12, with more efficient graphics rendering and better balancing of workloads across CPU cores, among other tweaks. You can read all the available technical details on the DirectX blog.
Mantle's already shipped in Thief and Battlefield 4, and early results are promising. Though the exact performance increase varies from PC to PC, BF4 frequently saw double-digit-percentage frame rate gains across various test configurations. Given the way Mantle works, so-called "CPU-bound" gaming PCs with low- to mid-range processors and solid graphics cards saw the biggest performance improvement runningBF4 with Mantle.
       Battlefield 4
 Microsoft's announcement of DirectX12 definitely seems to be a response to the threat of Mantle. And with such a far-off timetable, AMD will definitely have the opportunity to woo developers into Mantle's arms.
But no matter which technology "wins" in the long run, gamers win when games perform betterespecially if they don't have to buy new hardware to see the improvements.
Even if DirectX 12 launches in a year and a half and promptly smothers AMD's fledgling solution a pretty likely scenario, if Microsoft's promises come true—we have Mantle to thank for prodding Microsoft out of its DirectX 11 complacence. And if you want to behold the future of "close to the metal" PC gaming today, well, Mantle's the only way to fly.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Google Play Games With Android and IOS Play To Multiplayer

Google Play Games With Android and IOS Play To Multiplayer

Google is beefing up its gaming services with new features for Android and iOS.
Game developers can now add cross-platform multiplayer for real-time and turn-based games, so iOS and Android users will have more opportunities to play together.Google isn't the only company to enable cross-platform multiplayer on mobile devices. Other developer solutions such as Scoreloop are also available, and some games such as Zynga's Words with Friends use Facebook to connect friends across Android and iOS. Google may be hoping that its full suite of services, including achievements, leaderboards and cloud saving, will help lure in more players. 


It's unclear, however, whether Google Play Games is seeing much developer adoption on iOS. Many games that support Google's services on Android don't do so on iOS, instead opting for Apple's own Game Center and iCloud services. Furthermore, Google doesn't offer any way to find iOS games that support the company's services.
To attract more developers, Google is adding more features including C++ tools to support achievements and leaderboards, and enhanced statistics in the Google Play Developer console.

For Android, Google will soon offer “game gifts,” allowing players to send in-app items to one another. Players can send an item to anyone in their Google+ circles, or can search for the player by name. However, Google Play still doesn't allow users to send entire apps as gifts.
Google's also adding 18 new game categories in an effort to make game discovery a little easier.

Google hasn't launched the new features for its game services just yet, but says they'll be available in the “coming weeks.”