Monday 10 March 2014

How To Use Google Chrome Secret Guest Profile Feature

How To Use Google Chrome Secret Guest Profile Feature

 Chrome create and manage multiple user profiles in Chrome, but Google's web browser is a program with many surprises—one of which is a beta feature that creates a generic guest profile that visitors can use to browse the web on your PC.Guest profiles are a must for anyone who occasionally hands over their PC to others. With guest profiles, you won't have to worry about your friends signing you out of Facebook and Gmail, futzing with your bookmarks, or spying some personal browsing habits you'd rather keep private.The addition of guest profiles is yet another feature that is slowly migrating from Chrome OS to Chrome for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Guests on Chrome;Get started by copying and pasting the following line of text into Chrome's address  Then, press Enter. This will open up a highlighted option called "Enable new profile management system." Click the "Enable" link below the feature title.As you can see from the description, the new management system includes a variety of features, including profile sign-out and a new avatar menu.
New profile system;
Once you've rebooted Chrome, the new user profile system should be working.already using user profiles in Chrome, you'll notice that enabling the new system moves the user profiles from the upper left corner of Chrome to the upper right.You also won't see the user avatars; instead, you see the name of the current Chrome profile being used.
                                             chrome guest profile
The new profile menu also lets you lock your current profile to keep others from using it. I strongly advise against using the lock feature right now. In my tests, I was able to lock my Chrome profile, but I wasn't able to get back in. Not sure why that happened, but hey, it's a beta, so hiccups are expected.
Anyway, back to enabling guest profiles. After clicking the "Enable" link, click the "Relaunch Now" button that will appear at the bottom of the web page.If you don't see the relaunch button just close and re-open the browser.
Click on the new profile system and in the drop-down menu you'll see an option towards the bottom that says "Browse as guest."
Select that option and a new browser window will open without any of your personal settings, history, or extensions. Your friends can now use your PC in peace, and you won't have to worry about searches for Justin Bieber showing up in your Google Now results.

How to Play DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in Windows 8

How to Play DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in Windows 8


When you install Windows 8 on your system, you gain access to a number of new features. Some are clear upgrades over previous versions of Windows—the new system-wide search, for instancewhile others are more controversial "side-grades," rather than clear improvements. There’s one thing that’s a clear-cut downgrade, though: DVD playback.While earlier versions of Windows included a free, built-in DVD player, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have no such functionality. It can still read data DVDs, but if you want to play that copy of Rocky IV you got for $2 on clearance at Target, you’re out of luck.Fortunately, you’ve got plenty of options for restoring DVD-playback functionality to Windows 8, for free. Here’s what we recommend:
Before you do anything else, check to make sure that you actually can’t play a DVD in your computer. If you bought a boxed Windows 8 laptop or desktop computer with a DVD drive, the manufacturer will almost certainly have pre-loaded it with DVD playback software. Pop a DVD in and see if it plays!
If you’re upgrading to Windows 8 or built your own PC from scratch, you’ll actually have to download software to watch DVDs. Fortunately, there’s a free, fast way to get DVD playback in VLC, a powerful media player from Video LAN.When you want to watch a DVD, open VLC and with the DVD in your drive click Menu, then Open Disc.
VLC’s a handy program to have on any new system, anyway, as it’s capable of opening virtually any audio or visual file format, including quite a few that Windows Media Player can’t handle. If you want to play Blu-ray discs, there's a codec pack of questionable legality (and hit-and-miss functionality) available. Alternatively, you could download a premium program such as Cyber Link's $55 Power DVD 12, which plays both DVDs and Blu-ray discs without a hitch.
Actually downloading the Windows Media Center Pack is a somewhat convoluted process involving the Search charm, obscure settings options, and paying for product keys. Microsoft's Add features to Windows 8.1 page can walk you through the entire process of buying both the Windows 8 Pro and Windows Media Center Pack upgrades. When you're done, your computer will restart and install Windows Media Center, including DVD playback.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Top Secrets To Earn Money Online

Top Secrets To Earn Money Online


Earning money is very much important for all of us. It not only provides us independence but also helps us to boost our confidence level. Nowadays other than pocket money the earning of the money from online especially is very much interesting for the youths as they spend most of the time surfing the net so it will be very easy and yet interesting for them to earn money through online services. There are several ways to earn money through online. Some of them do not know what the ways are but here there is a complete description of the different methods of earning money through online. The methods are as follows in the body of this content writing.

• Earn money with online surveys- there are some online services which are reputed and gives a payment of $ 5 – $ 10 each survey results. You can easily do one or two surveys per day and at the end you can well count the total amount one would get. It needs a bit time but it is very much easy. By doing one or two surveys per day one can also get to know about a lot of things which was unknown to you. It is very much interesting and you can be wealthy by doing this job.

 Earn Money with Your Photos – if anybody has a special interest in clicking pictures and editing it then they should upload the photos and by that they can earn money. The photos which are clicked nicely and well edited, they can be given in the internet in different picture shops. These pictures are used by the different companies for their own articles or the brochures or any kind of presentations and in many other ways these pictures help the companies. They do earn a lot in per piece if the snap is nice and attracting. One can gather all his or her clicked best photos in the internet and then they can sell them off. The pictures in the internet can be sold repeatedly.

Earn Money with Content writing – earning money through content writing is also a great way. One can get the money according to the number of words in the content writing. This in a way helps to increase the knowledge of a person by writing up different content writings and searching the detailed information for the content writing topics. You can at least write two to three content writing per day and at the end one can count how much they will get if they do the content writing regularly. This is also one of the easiest ways of earning money and also helps the people to learn more and more thing

Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing – one can also earn money through the online website the by selling e-books. You should not sit and write down the e-book but they can sell them off to this reputed site. This way they can get money and it is the easiest way of earning money. One can first download the e-book and after reading he or she can easily sell them off to the few reputed online website, among them the is the most popular. After selling the e-book one should give the details of the book like what are the content and the price of the e-book. He or she whoever selling the e-books can get a good amount of money.
 Earn Money with Blogging Google Adsense – nowadays there is the recent trend of the youths of writing blogs about either their personal life or about any other topic which is very much interesting and catchy. One should make his or her blog attractive by writing up many interesting stuffs. This is how one can increase their number of visitors to check their own blog. Hence they can get a good amount by writing some interesting blogs in the internet. After writing the blogs one should give a proper advertisement for their blogs and invite many people to visit and check their blogs. As the number of visitors increases the amount for the blog also increases.
 Earn Money with Transcribe Audio Sites – those who are very much interested in getting money through online they can try by doing the transcribing audio files. If one works as a transcriptionist online then it will be a great way of earning the extra money by the person and by this way there are some people who are making a living in this way. Due to this internet one can find different ways of earning opportunities through online by the process of transcribing audio files. It is very obvious that the beginners of this job at first make less money than the other experienced transcriptionists, but gradually as their experience increases, their earnings also increases. And if somebody is one to the field of transcribing audio files then one can be well experienced by repeatedly doing this job and by maintaining the proper speed of typing.
 Earn Money with Google Adsense – many people have the habit of shooting some interesting videos. They can easily shoot up a good and yet attractive video and post it to the most popular website in the internet which is If the number of visitors increases and the likes also, then the rate of amount is also increased. The video should be eye catching to the visitors. This can be the other way of easily making money through online.

 making money through online is not so very difficult. It is easy and hence one can easily sit at home and earn money by sitting in front of the computer and by using the internet services. And it is very much comfortable and relaxing also to earn money by sitting at home and using your own computer. Hence above there are few ways written of about how to get money through online. Other than this there are also some other ways like earning money with or earning money with
How To Resetting Safari With A Keyboard Shortcuts

How To Resetting Safari With A Keyboard Shortcuts

Safari let you know because I’ve never heard of such a shortcut. Oh sure, you can open Safari’s preferences  click the Advanced tab, enable the Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar option, and then press Command-Option-E to empty Safari’s caches, but that’s not the same thing as resetting the browser.If you want that kind of power must chooseResetSafari, select the options you want to reset (they include Clear History, Reset Top Sites, Reset All Location Warnings, Rest All Website Notification Warnings, Remove All Website Data, Clear the Downloads Window, and Close All Safari Windows) and click onReset.
 keyboard shortcut to invoke that window, it’s easily done. Launch System Preferences, click on the Keyboard preference, click the Shortcuts tab, and click the App Shortcuts entry. Now click the plus (+) button that appears below the list of shortcuts, in the sheet that appears choose Safari from the Application pop-up menu, and in the Menu Title field enter Reset Safari… (the elipsis character—created by typing Option-semicolonis required). Enter the shortcut you’d like to use and then click on the Add button. When you next wish to reveal the Reset Safari window, just press that shortcut.
How to Work With iWorks New File Formates For Mac OS X

How to Work With iWorks New File Formates For Mac OS X

Mac OS recently released 2013 versions of iWork for OS X and iOS, syncing documents across Macs, iOS devices and even iWork for iCloud is now a seamless transparent process: Open and edit a document in one location, and the changes are instantly reflected at every other location that has access to the file. With very few exceptions, a document’s appearance remains identical on each platform. Warnings about file conversions and omitted features have all but vanished.For anyone who has struggled with iWork file syncing over the years, this is fantastic news. It wasn’t always this way.
When Apple introduced iWork for iOS apps in 2010, transferring an iWork ’09 document between a Mac and an iPad required a tortuous procedure mediated by iTunes. To transfer a file, you manually exported or imported it; there was no live syncing. Transfers also required converting the document to the matching platform-specific format. Especially when going from Macs to iOS devices, this often meant stripping out features unsupported by the more limited iOS apps.
In 2011, with the introduction of iCloud, true syncing of iWork documents arrived—but only among iOS devices. Transferring a document from a Mac to an iOS device required an intermediate stop at iCloud. From there, an iOS device could access the file (assuming you had iCloud enabled on the device), converting it to the more feature-limited iOS format. Any editing done to a file on one platform had no effect on a copy of that file previously transferred to the other platform.
 release of Mountain Lion in 2012 was a giant step forward. At last, you could “live sync” iWork documents among Macs and iOS devices. After editing a synced Pages document on an iPad, for example, the changes would automatically appear on a Mac, even if the document was open in Pages on the Mac at the time.
The primary remaining downside was the differing multiple iWork file formats. Moving across platforms required document file conversions that often resulted in document feature loss or related incompatibilities.
Three different file formats came into play.
First, if you locally saved a iWork ’09 document to your Mac (I’ll use Pages as the example app), it saved in the “original” Mac iWork format—with a .pages extension at the end of the file’s name. While the Finder did not treat this file as a package (that is, no Show Package Contents command showed up in the document’s contextual menu), it was indeed a package. To pry it open, you could use a utility such as Pacifist. Inside, you’d find several items, most notably an index.xml file which contained the primary content you created.
One Format, multiple platforms:
release of the 2013 iWork apps, we’ve emerged from the tunnel altogether. There is now only one file format for all app variations. Whether you save or transfer an iWork document to a Mac, an iOS device or iCloud, the document’s format remains identical. As a result, files live sync across platforms without any of the compatibility issues that plagued prior versions.
The names of these new iWork documents will be familiar. For example, the names of Pages documents still use a .pages extension. The -tef variations are gone. Inside a document package, however, the format is different from any of the ones used with the prior iWork apps.
The primary item in the package is an file. If you unzip its contents (I again used Pacifist to do this), you’ll find that the XML content has been replaced by multiple .iwa files. Although Apple hasn’t offered an official rationale for this shift, thespeculation is that the smaller binary .iwa segments allow for faster loading in iCloud and on iOS devices.
 unification of formats would all be perfect, except for one thing. As I’ve detailed elsewhere, to achieve this cross-platform compatibility, Apple dropped numerous ’09 features from their iWork ’13 apps. Apple has promised to return some of these missing features over the next few months. In the meantime, if these losses leave you dissatisfied, you may want to keep using the older iWork ’09 apps.
But what if you’ve already created or converted documents using the new versions? If you open an iWork ’09 document in an iWork ’13 app, the document automatically converts to the new format. However, this is strictly a one-way process: iWork ’09 apps cannot convert or otherwise open iWork ’13 documents.Still not sure what version of the iWork apps you want to use? Apple makes it easy to try out the new ’13 upgrades. For anyone who owns the prior iWork versions, or buys any of Apple’s latest hardware, the new versions are free.

How to Keep Your PC Secure When Microsoft Ends Windows XP Support

How to Keep Your PC Secure When Microsoft Ends Windows XP Support

 Windows XP is almost upon us. After a legendary dozen year run, Microsoft will stop providing security patches for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. Without Microsoft's protection, all those WinXP PCs will have targets painted on their hard drives.Nearly 30 percent of Internet-connected PCs still run Windows XP, and no, they won't die that day. They'll continue running like normal, but they'll be rotting inside, becoming increasingly full of security holes. Microsoft itself has dubbed the condition "Zero day forever.
Look, let's be honest. You should upgrade from Windows XP right now if at all possible -- but not everyone can cut the XP cord so completely. If you can't upgrade, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. Make no mistake: These tricks are like sticking your finger in a leaking dam. They'll help a bit, but the dam is crumbling and it's time to get out of the way.
Understand the risks

When Microsoft says it's ending support for Windows XP, that means it will no longer produce security patches for critical vulnerabilities in the operating system. As time goes on, more and more critical security holes will be found, and attackers will have free reign to exploit them. Large organizations can pay exorbitant fees for continued custom Windows XP support, but those updates will never trickle out to everyday users or small businesses.

Smart attackers are likely waiting to exploit holes they already know about. They'll unleash their attacks when Microsoft has moved on. The problems will never be fixed, so they can continue to attack them until the last Windows XP system vanishes from the Internet.
Other software developers will eventually stop supporting Windows XP, just as they no longer support Windows 98, creating even more attack vectors. This won't happen overnight, but Windows XP will gradually be abandoned by everyone.
 HTC One Leaked Cover Turns your Smartphone

HTC One Leaked Cover Turns your Smartphone

                                                View image on Twitter
The official announcement of the next HTC One should happen soon, and it looks like the upcoming flagship phone will support at least one intriguing new accessory. Twitter account @evleaks has posted what appears to be a press image of the new One, with a sleek cover that can display information like the time and weather using colorful lights. With its plentiful holes, the case looks sort of like a modern take on a Lite Brite, and features much of the same utility as Yota's E Ink-enabled smartphone, letting you check important information without waking up your device. The news comes not long after we caught a glimpse of the new one in a leaked video; @evleaks also claims that, much like the previous One, the new version will be available in a Google Play edition. The next-generation HTC One is expected to be revealed on March 25th.