Monday 10 March 2014

How to Play DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in Windows 8


When you install Windows 8 on your system, you gain access to a number of new features. Some are clear upgrades over previous versions of Windows—the new system-wide search, for instancewhile others are more controversial "side-grades," rather than clear improvements. There’s one thing that’s a clear-cut downgrade, though: DVD playback.While earlier versions of Windows included a free, built-in DVD player, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have no such functionality. It can still read data DVDs, but if you want to play that copy of Rocky IV you got for $2 on clearance at Target, you’re out of luck.Fortunately, you’ve got plenty of options for restoring DVD-playback functionality to Windows 8, for free. Here’s what we recommend:
Before you do anything else, check to make sure that you actually can’t play a DVD in your computer. If you bought a boxed Windows 8 laptop or desktop computer with a DVD drive, the manufacturer will almost certainly have pre-loaded it with DVD playback software. Pop a DVD in and see if it plays!
If you’re upgrading to Windows 8 or built your own PC from scratch, you’ll actually have to download software to watch DVDs. Fortunately, there’s a free, fast way to get DVD playback in VLC, a powerful media player from Video LAN.When you want to watch a DVD, open VLC and with the DVD in your drive click Menu, then Open Disc.
VLC’s a handy program to have on any new system, anyway, as it’s capable of opening virtually any audio or visual file format, including quite a few that Windows Media Player can’t handle. If you want to play Blu-ray discs, there's a codec pack of questionable legality (and hit-and-miss functionality) available. Alternatively, you could download a premium program such as Cyber Link's $55 Power DVD 12, which plays both DVDs and Blu-ray discs without a hitch.
Actually downloading the Windows Media Center Pack is a somewhat convoluted process involving the Search charm, obscure settings options, and paying for product keys. Microsoft's Add features to Windows 8.1 page can walk you through the entire process of buying both the Windows 8 Pro and Windows Media Center Pack upgrades. When you're done, your computer will restart and install Windows Media Center, including DVD playback.
