Wednesday 12 March 2014

How To Play And Stream DVD Movies Online

How To Play And Stream DVD Movies Online

 Convert DVD movies to digital files on the computer that can then be uploaded to the web and privately streamed online, find a DVD conversion program compatible with your operating system.The free, cross-platform Handbrake works with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems. Other free or inexpensive programs include Win X DVD Ripper for Windows or Free DVD Ripper for Mac. Commercial software with faster conversion speeds and more features like Wondershare's Video Converter Ultimate or NCH Software's Prism program (both around $50 with Windows and OS X versions available) are other options; many companies offer trial versions you can test before buying. If you do not find suitable software, third-party DVD conversion services are also available in many areas. 


 sure to convert the files into video formats that work well with online streaming, like .MP4 or QuickTime .MOV files. Once you have converted the home movies to digital video files on your computer, find a video-sharing service that you like. YouTube and Vimeo are among the sites that let you adjust the privacy settings on your videos so that only people you invite may view the clips; social media sites may also work for your needs.

Other online services like Google Drive, Microsoft's OneDrive or Dropbox can also host short videos. Once you have the videos uploaded, send off the URLs or use share links provided by your chosen site so your family members can find the clips and stream them to their computers or mobile Devices.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Whastapp Latest version Released for Android and iPhone IOS

Whastapp Latest version Released for Android and iPhone IOS


Whatsapp for Android An Update Today That introduced New Privacy Settings. This features That Allows You to Pay for a Friends Whatsapp subscription,the latest Whatsapp updated by the lets you Tweak in your ' Last Seen ' Status And Profile photo, and increases the message History that you can Send.this also gives your a camera shortcut for sending Pictures faster and now features large video thumbnails Within a Chat.

Whtsapp Android Can users can now Pay fro their Friends subscriptions on the same as mobile platforms as well as other Also including iOS And Windows And the chat app is Free to downloads for use the first 12 months,with a App Payment Required Each year After that.this cloud be Whatsapp way of encouraging users the Promote the Service to thier friends to use this App and keep then your Same Platform.

                                 Whatsapp Android 730x648 WhatsApp for Android gets new privacy settings and lets you pay for a friends subscription
Whatapp this Being to be bought by Facebook with deal worth is the 19 billion Means We can Expect others new features by the seeks to Stands out from the Competition ,This is Mainly Feature to Voice Call Will be Added  to Whtsapp Best featured.

Monday 10 March 2014

Google Chromecast is Released

Google Chromecast is Released

Google has some good news for those of you outside the US: Chromecast is coming to “many more countries” in the next few weeks. The announcement came from an SXSW keynote by Sundar Pichai, the company’s SVP of Androids, Apps and Chrome.
Last month, reports emerged that Chromecast would soon arrive in the UK and Australia. Google first released the HDMI dongle last July, beforeopening the device up to developers with an SDK in February.
While Pichai wouldn’t reveal specific sales figures for the Chromecast, he did note that customers have bought “millions” of units and sales continue to grow rapidly.
At $35, Chromecast is a phenomenal deal, but new features and services have come to it slowly over the past few months. Now that the device has an SDK and is expanding internationally, we can hopefully expect a quicker pace for improvements to the platform.
Pichai also revealed during his talk that an Android SDK for wearable devices is coming in two weeks’ time.
You can keep up with all of our SXSW coverage on our event page.
How To Selectively Block Internet Access

How To Selectively Block Internet Access

You Are A Generous Parent , We Are using the iPod touch .but problem is they spend all time on the thing texting  their friends when they cloud so More  important things like there any one you are work,of course pull the thing out of their Hands,but if You connected to the internet via Airport Base Station Try this go to first grab hold their device   And Go to Settings >General >About .And Scroll Down and look of the WiFi Address Entry.and this is the Hardware Address or  ( Mac Address) that is Unique to that Device .And Then Write it Done.
Now launch Airport Utility And select the Airport Base Station and that connects to you r Broadband connection Modem then Click Edit .click on the Network Tab and the Enable the Enable Network Access  Control the Sheet At Appears to click on the plus button to Add you'r Wireless client .then you to Change by the When using iPod Then Mac Address in this field .Let us now configure The pop up menus for those days and times for Wireless Access is Allowed So may be for an hour after they You are Used for this Process when Cloud Places.
When You have its Configured then Device To you'r liking ,click and save.then click Updated to should you mobile to use network access Wireless network outside of allowed Hours THey Are All Find their Way Of Blocked.
How to Delete Mac Partitions Without Losing Data

How to Delete Mac Partitions Without Losing Data

 sometimes it’s more helpful to see something like this in action. And so was this week’s Macworld video conceived.Note that in the video I state that you can't partition the drive you've booted from. This is incorrect. You can create an additional partition from the free space the drive holds. It's not cogent to this particular exercise but I regret the error.
 smallish hard drive here that I’ll split into two partitions. To do that I select the drive, click on the Partition tab, and choose 2 Partitions from the Partition Layoutpop-up menu. To make sure I’ll be able to reclaim one of the partitions later I click on the Options button and ensure that either GUID or Apple Partition Map is selected and click OK. (I always choose GUID partition table as that’s the format that works with today’s Intel-based Macs.)
Now, click on Apply to partition the drive with the understanding that doing so will erase every bit of data on it.Now we have our two partitions. Through the miracle of time lapse I’ve copied some data onto each partition. I’d now like to convert this drive into a single partition without losing my stuff. How do I do that?
I’ll open my second partition and copy everything on it to the first partition. If it doesn’t fit, I could copy it to another hard drive for later copying.Now that I’ve done this I select the second partition and click on the minus (–) button to delete it. And off it goes, with all its data (which, again, I’ve backed up). But now I’ve got a hole where the partition used to be.
No problem. Drag the bottom right corner all the way to the bottom of the pane and then click Apply. You once again have a single partition that consumes the entire drive space. And, best of all, you haven’t lost a single file on it.Now, the fine print. If you delete the top partition you can’t resize the bottom one up. There’s no way to drag it to the top. So, deal only with the bottom partition and then expand the top one.
Wireless Charging In 2 Minutes for Samsung  Mobiles

Wireless Charging In 2 Minutes for Samsung Mobiles

worst part of using a smartphone is dealing with the damn battery! If you actually use your phone it'll be lucky to make it through the day. So we're left plugging and unplugging andplugging again. This is t bright promise of wireless charging; if you plug your phone in at the same place (like your home or office), you can just set your phone down on a little pad, and it'll top off the battery.While the ever-popular Galaxy S4 doesn't come equipped with wireless charging out of the box, it's a snap to add it. Seriously; if you can snap off the back cover, you can do this. It might even take you longer to read about doing it than to actually perform the surgery. Just follow these simple steps.


                                       gs4 wireless thin

Amazon is chock full of wireless charging receivers and kits for the Galaxy S4. They range from about $10 to $40, maybe more if they come with a charging pad. Samsung is in bed with the Qi charging standard, so there are lots of compatible charging pads. With LG, Nokia, Asus, HTC, Huawei, and Motorola, and Sony also supporting Qi, there are lots of great options, and they're basically all cross-compatible.

You'll want to pay attention to the thickness of the receiver you buy, though. I chosethis model because it's especially thin, and wouldn't cause the rear plastic case on my GS4 to bulge. Samsung sells an official upgrade that is integrated into a new plastic back for your phone, adding a bit of overall thickness.


                                     gs4 wireless nocover

Turn off your phone, then remove the back cover. Just pry your fingernail in there and pull that sucker off.


See these little holes here?

                              gs4 wireless prongs arrow

You're going to line them up with the little metal prongs on the receiver, here.

                                    gs4 wireless circuits arrow


The receiver lays out flat down over the battery. It looks like this.

                                    gs4 wireless plugged in

                                     Here's another view. See how easy that was? 

                                      gs4 wireless installed


starting to get silly, isn't it? You were all but done back on step 3, and you know it. Your phone can now sit on any Qi wireless phone charger and it'll work. Honest! Just like recent Nexus devices, HTC and LG phones, and Nokia Lumia phones. 

                                   gs4 wireless primary

How To Use Google Chrome Secret Guest Profile Feature

How To Use Google Chrome Secret Guest Profile Feature

 Chrome create and manage multiple user profiles in Chrome, but Google's web browser is a program with many surprises—one of which is a beta feature that creates a generic guest profile that visitors can use to browse the web on your PC.Guest profiles are a must for anyone who occasionally hands over their PC to others. With guest profiles, you won't have to worry about your friends signing you out of Facebook and Gmail, futzing with your bookmarks, or spying some personal browsing habits you'd rather keep private.The addition of guest profiles is yet another feature that is slowly migrating from Chrome OS to Chrome for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Guests on Chrome;Get started by copying and pasting the following line of text into Chrome's address  Then, press Enter. This will open up a highlighted option called "Enable new profile management system." Click the "Enable" link below the feature title.As you can see from the description, the new management system includes a variety of features, including profile sign-out and a new avatar menu.
New profile system;
Once you've rebooted Chrome, the new user profile system should be working.already using user profiles in Chrome, you'll notice that enabling the new system moves the user profiles from the upper left corner of Chrome to the upper right.You also won't see the user avatars; instead, you see the name of the current Chrome profile being used.
                                             chrome guest profile
The new profile menu also lets you lock your current profile to keep others from using it. I strongly advise against using the lock feature right now. In my tests, I was able to lock my Chrome profile, but I wasn't able to get back in. Not sure why that happened, but hey, it's a beta, so hiccups are expected.
Anyway, back to enabling guest profiles. After clicking the "Enable" link, click the "Relaunch Now" button that will appear at the bottom of the web page.If you don't see the relaunch button just close and re-open the browser.
Click on the new profile system and in the drop-down menu you'll see an option towards the bottom that says "Browse as guest."
Select that option and a new browser window will open without any of your personal settings, history, or extensions. Your friends can now use your PC in peace, and you won't have to worry about searches for Justin Bieber showing up in your Google Now results.