Saturday 5 July 2014

Top 5 Best And Latest Android Apps From June- 2014

Hi My Dear Friends! Facebook messaging apps, to ones that simply let you say ‘Yo!’ to your buddies, we covered a lot of ground with new Android apps in June. So by way of a quick recap and to help you filter through the debris, here’s our pick of the newbies from the past month.


Top And Best Android Apps: 

1.  MailWise

There’s already no shortage of email clients for Android, but MailWise is a nice addition to the party.MailWise covers a lot of ground in terms of the range of accounts it supports, including Gmail and Exchange, but its core selling-point lies in clutter-free conversations. Yes, it strips out repetitive information such as signatures and headers within a thread.


2. Copy Bubble

 bubbles for browsing and bubbles for translating,’bubbles’ seem to be the in-thing with Android developers just now. Copy Bubble is the latest bubblicious app to hit Google Play.
Copy Bubble is a brilliantly simple way of accessing multiple copied items from your clipboard  you can access your recent copy history from the main floating bubble on your screen, allowing you to delete an item, share it (e.g. to email, Facebook, Dropbox), or paste into another application.


3. Contact Box

Easily share multiple contact details with groups or individuals can be useful, which is why Contact Box could find itself a fan-base.In a nutshell, Contact Box allows users to create and organize contacts into easily shareable lists – which can be sent via email or SMS message.


4. Trover

Almost three years since we’d last covered Trover, a travel-themed, user-generated, photo-exploration app that counts Expedia and Zillow co-founder Rich Barton among its creators. While an Android incarnation had previously existed, it was pulled from Google Play due to resource restrictions a while back,but it has now reappeared again.Users can (visually) share stories about their favorite hotels, restaurants, parks, swimming spots, and more. It’s essentially a geo-tagged, photo-based social network for curious explorers, one that helps create a sense that you’re walking through a neighborhood finding new things along the way.


Following an accidental false start, social networking behemoth Facebook (you may have heard of it) launched a new standalone messaging app called Slingshot this month, kicking off initially in the US only, though it was later introduced globally too.Jumping on the ephemeral bandwagon, Facebook wants to remain relevant to the younger generations. The gist of Slingshot: to see a photo or video sent to you by a friend, you have to reply with a photo or video.


