Wednesday 16 July 2014

iOS Latest App Released For Users

Hi My Dear Friends! iOS users will be prompted to update their devices to the newest iteration of Apple's mobile operating system. As difficult as it is to believe, we're already onto the sixth version of the OS, which continues to be updated with new features on a yearly basis. After pushing out so many upgrades critical to plugging a few major feature holes, the vast majority of its 200 advertised enhancements are strictly granular, as Apple continues to polish its popular OS.That doesn't mean, though, that this build is coming to the masses without any jarring UI changes: Apple has declared independence from Google by adopting its own Maps, added a few nice features to Mail and iCloud, thrown Facebook integration into the mix and introduced the Passbook for paperless tickets. The question is, how does it stack up against previous refreshes? Read on to find out.


Quick peruse through the App Store reveals no shortage of password management apps, indicative perhaps of people’s desire to not, well, losetheirpasswords.Passible is the latest service to throw its hat into the ring courtesy ofClearSkyApps – an Israeli development firm with perhaps more of a track-record in fitness-focused apps. Still, if ‘health’ is your thing, then keeping track of your dozens of passwords is certainly healthy, right? Anyway, Passible is tackling the problem from a similar direction to the myriad of alternatives out there already, except it’s striving to emphasize simplicity and beauty, with a few neat features thrown in for good measure. Here’s a quick dive under the hood.


 yourself up with a master passcode so that nobody else can enter and steal all your precious passwords. Once in, it’s just a case of hitting the little ‘+’ icon and adding all the pertinent details, including the URL for the site in question (, your username for that service, password, display name (e.g. ‘Ebay’) and, importantly, any folder you wish this account to be saved to. A separate section is dedicated to all your bank cards, covering things like card numbers, expiry dates, PIN codes and more.

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You would probably want to group ‘Amazon’, ‘eBay’ and ‘Paypal’ together in a folder called ‘Ecommerce’ or something similar. You can also save up to six favorites by hitting the little heart icon at the top of the main screen, and this serves as easy access to your most commonly used accounts. These icons can actually be changed for each favorite, with a choice of 18 symbols available within the edit menu for each entry.

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Passible is very much about the usability though, with a deft swipe to the right revealing your password, and flick to the left letting you delete a specific account from Passible.

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Passible also lets you bypass long, meandering lists through color-coding, which helps you create sub-categories of sorts within a folder by allocating a specific color to more specific types of website. And you can add notes to each account, reminding you of any details that may be important for future reference.

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Neat little password analyzer is built directly into Passible too, telling you instantly what it thinks about your choice of passwords, whether they don’t contain enough numbers or symbols, or whether you’re dumb enough to include your username in the password itself.

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                                                     Photo 15 07 2014 20 01 01 220x330 Passible for iOS brings simplicity and a touch of awesome to the password management table

Passible definitely introduces a compelling proposition to the increasingly busy password management space, and its simplicity may appeal to many. But it does lack many of the additional features you’ll find in the more-established players, such as 1Password, which lets you store software licences, driver licences, reward programs and more.

Furthermore, many of Passible’s competitors are truly cross-platform, delivering desktop apps as well as incarnations for Android or Windows Phone. Passible is an iOS-only affair for now, which will be fine for some, but not others.

Passible is available to download for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch now.

