Sunday 13 July 2014

Apple iWatch Release Date New

Hell Friends! Apple iWatch could get an early fall launch date, a new report indicates it likely won't enter the market until November.According to KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who has been a reliable source for predicting Apple product plans in the past, the iWatch is believed to debutlater than expected, due to complications related to both the new hardware and
software.smartwatch is finally breaking out into the mainstream with the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Gearand Sony Smartwatch 2 following where Kickstarter phenomenon Pebble led.But we're yet to see a watch with true wow-factor and, for that, many are looking to Apple.Rumors of an Apple smartwatch have abounded since Pebble first hit the big time. The so-called iWatch failed to materialize in 2013 but will we see Apple get in on the wrist-worn game in 2014

pushed back our estimated time of iWatch mass production from late-September to mid-/ late-November. We also lower our forecast of iWatch 2014 shipments by 40% to 3 million units,” said Kuo, according to AppleInsider Kuo told Apple Insider that the iWatch is presenting new difficulties for Apple, and consequently, believes production and distribution for the smartwatch will be deeper into the fall, like November The device is expected to come with a flexible AMOLED display with sapphire cover glass, marking the first time the company has integrated that type of display into a consumer product. Complications related to "operation circuitry" (and shrinking it down to smartwatch size), as well as making it a fully waterproof device and redesigning iOS to fit on a smaller screen, are big indicators that we might not see the iWatch for another few months.


Apple co-founder and renegade loud-mouth Steve Wozniak "let slip" to the Telegraph that "Apple's future could lie in an 'iWatch'." And, in April 2013, an Apple board member mentioned the word "watch", while Apple CEO Tim Cook told attendees at All Things D that "the wrist is interesting" in May thus kindling thousands of iWatch rumors across the web.

The WSJ seems "confident" that the iWatch is real because it's been talking to "people briefed on the effort," while a couple of analysts have stuck their oars in too, basically saying "Yup, an Apple Watch. That sounds feasible. I'm going to say yes, that exists.

