Sunday 23 March 2014

Top 3 Ways To Get A New Windows 7 PC in Windows 8 Era

Top 3 Ways To Get A New Windows 7 PC in Windows 8 Era

Windows 8, it's "divisive." Microsoft's finger-first, device-agnostic reimagining of Windows draws haters like flies and has played some part—how large a part is up in the air—in driving PC sales off a cliff since its launch. Even so, Microsoft isn't backing down, and Windows 8 and its Live Tiles are darn near ubiquitous in stores.Don't think you're a hostage to Microsoft's hubris, howeverWhile Windows 8 indeed lurks inside the vast majority of consumer PCs sold today, Windows 7 is by no means dead and gone. In fact, PC purists pining for the halcyon days of Windows 7 have a wealth of ways to acquire a PC powered by their operating system of choice. It just takes a little digging.

Windows 7 licenses by the bucketful before Microsoft cut off access. Finding boxed copies of Windows 7 online is dead simple. Even better, Windows 7 Home Premium still sells for its recommended $100 MSRP. Unlike hardware pre-stuffed with Windows 7, there's been no price inflation on the software front. Windows XP online, expect to see Windows 7 on sale for awhile, though its cost is sure to creep up as availability dwindles over time. Just be sure to confirm what you're buying. Some third-party sellers offer "open box" copies of Microsoft's operating system. Steer clear of those.

While despondent Windows 8 owners can install a fresh copy of Windows 7 on their PCs, this option is more likely to appeal to folks cobbling together a DIY computer from the power supply on up. Be sure to check out PCWorld's guide to best PC building practices and our tips on avoiding common PC building mistakes if that sounds like you.

PC must have run on Windows 8 Pro from the get-go—basic Windows 8 installations upgraded to Windows 8 Pro after the fact don't get downgrade rights. You'll also need a product key and an installation disc for Windows 7, which Microsoft and most PC makers will not help with. (Good thing you can still buy boxed copies of Windows 7 on sale!) Oh yeah, the process requires jumping through some complicated hoops. And did I mention that some PC builders refuse to support boxed consumer computers that have been downgraded to Windows 7.

Yes, there's a reason downgrade rights are typically used by big businesses alone. Nevertheless, downgrading has its upsides over simply nuking Windows 8 and installing a fresh copy of Windows 7. Namely, you can upgrade back to Windows 8 at no cost if you change your mind in the future. Like I said earlier: If you're on the market for a new PC, buying a computer that already has Windows 7 Professional pre-installed using Windows 8 Pro's downgrade rights essentially lets you have your cake and eat it too. Those systems are out there.

But if you've already bought a Windows 8 Pro-packing PC and want to drop to Windows 7, check out PCWorld's comprehensive guide to the convoluted Windows downgrade process.

Friday 21 March 2014

How To Avoid Data Overages On Your Android Phone

Mobile Data item enables all data monitoring goodness for your phone or tablet. Once set, you can use the other two settings on the Data Usage screen to help curtail mobile data usage.The item Limit Mobile Data Usage lets you set the ominous Red Bar of Doom on the usage grid. When mobile data encroaches upon its crimson glow, the device immediately stops using the mobile data network. The Red Bar of Doom can be adjusted up or down, depending on your data plan and whatever piddly data allotment your provider grants you The Alert Me About Data Usage item summons the Orange Bar of Woe. Adjust it to have the phone or tablet display a warning when data usage pierces its domain. Obviously setting the Orange Bar of Woe near the Red Bar of Doom makes sense; how close depends on how unruly the “family” part of your family plan can be.Popular On Techdebute Your cellular provider would like me to remind you that the information presented on the Data Usage screen is based on what your Android device has monitored. For corporate bottom-line reasons, that amount may not always be the same as usage values determined by your cellular provider. And, obviously, on plans with several devices, usage accumulates like dust bunnies under the couch.


Choose an app to behold specific usage information. Depending on the app, you may also discover some options and settings which help you disable mobile data. Or you can just gleefully kill the app, which may offer temporary data consumption relief, plus it always makes me feel good to touch the Force Stop button.Incidentally, quite a few apps feature controls that limit their data consumption to Wi-Fi connections only. For example, Dropbox can be directed to sync photos only over a Wi-Fi connection. For non-critical data, such settings are like a can of Febreze next to the cat box.

Avoid using features that consume way too much data:

What things can consume way too much data? Try tethering. Want to hog down all your monthly quota in an hour? Set up a Wi-Fi hotspot in an airport. These two features imperil your mobile data plan like a Costco-sized tiramisu endangers a Weight-Watchers convention. Don’t try tethering or create a mobile hotspot unless you have a mobile data plan beefy enough to support the Other data monsters include streaming music and videos. If you're going to do a lot of that, make sure you’re Wi-Fi connected. Otherwise, you’ll poke through your monthly data plan’s gigabyte threshold like Godzilla chewing through a Tokyo apartment complex. You wallet will appreciate that disastrous event not happening on a regular basis.

How To Quickly Convert old Google Drive Sheets to the new format for offline editing

How To Quickly Convert old Google Drive Sheets to the new format for offline editing

New version of Google Sheets, featuring full offline editing when you use the Google Chrome browser, is now rolling out to all users.Bad news, productivity fans! The long-awaited offline editing will only work with spreadsheets created with the new version of Sheets. That means any older spreadsheets you have in Drive which is probably most of them—won't work in offline mode. That's no good.Google plans on automatically switching over all your files to the new Sheets format at some unspecified point in the future. But for now, Google suggests the easiest workaround is to copy-and-paste your old spreadsheet into a new file using the updated version of Sheets. But that's clunky and inelegant. Fortunately, there's also a slightly simpler solution where you don't have to mess with copying and pasting at all.


spreadsheet into a new spreadsheet, thus making it available for offline editing, we're simply going to download and then re-upload the file.First, however, you have to make sure you're using the new version of Sheets by visiting . Second, you have to make sure your PC is ready for offline editing in Chrome by following the instructions on Google's Help pages.
Let's say we want to convert a file called "Test3."First thing you need to do is download your Google spreadsheet as an Excel spreadsheet.First hover over the Test3 spreadsheet in Google Drive and then right-click it. In the context menu that opens select "Download..."
A pop-up window will appear. Make sure "Microsoft Excel .xlsx" is selected in the drop-down menu so that an Excel file arrives on your desktop. Once you're ready, click the Download button.The next part is very simple: Just grab the file that is now on your PC (probably at the download bar at the bottom of Chrome, or in the downloads folder) and drag-and-drop it over your Google Drive page in Chrome. Test3 will now be uploaded to Google Drive as an Excel spreadsheet.


Once it's done uploading, just right-click the new Test3 Excel file and select Open with... > Google Sheets. That will export the file to the new Google Sheets format—meaning you're good to go for offline editing.Don't let the number of steps fool you: Once you've got the hang of it this process, it takes mere seconds over a broadband connection. More importantly, it means no fumbling with copying and pasting vast pools of data from one spreadsheet to another.



How To Download Youtube Videos in  Original Resolution

How To Download Youtube Videos in Original Resolution

Many tolls and apps to download YouTube videos and watch them offline watching, you don’t really need them to download your own YouTube videos from the YouTube website.beast and easy way to download YouTube video in one click is through  Video Manager in YouTube.Click on edit button next to the video and select download choose download MP4 from dropdown.By this method you won’t get the resolutions like 720p 1080p that you have upload to the YouTube site. Your 720p and 1080p HD video will be saved at 480p.



Download your Original Resolution YouTube Videos

  1. Go to and just click on create archive button. Google will now create the zipped archive with all videos that you have uploaded to YouTube site.
  2. Once the archive is done, proceed to the download tab to grab the original files. If the archive size is more than Google take out will split into 2GB individual files.
Download your YouTube Videos

Download your YouTube Videos;

 That’s it you are done with your work. Now you have all the prints of the YouTube videos that you have previously uploaded to the YouTube site. This is extremely good option if you want copy the same files to other video hosting service.
How To Protect Wordpress installation Checklist

How To Protect Wordpress installation Checklist

We are going to block hackers that intrude our WordPress site. So here w use a plugin called Simple LoginLockdown protect WordPress site. By usage of this plugin you can easily limit attempts from IP for some particular time span. You can also add two-factor authentication which helps you to protect and make hacker to confuse. The other best one is you can login with your email ID into your word press installation. Or else you can protect Wordpress by changing WordPress admin URL.

Remove login link from WordPress theme Protect your WordPress installation :

. Some word press themes will have login URL in theme, so you have to find theme and remove from WordPress theme.


Add a password-protected directory for wp-admin folder to Protect your WordPress installation.

                                                                                        This is a simple process and all the popular sites also follow this of protecting wp-admin folder. This is the easiest way to protect wp-admin folder to protect via CPanel.
Update WordPress, themes and plugins to Protect your WordPress installation.

The WordPress team will be continuously releasing all the security updates that are required for a WordPress. If you are presently with older WordPress then immediately update. If you wont update your WordPress there might be security issues.

Change word press database prefix from default one.


WordPress actually come with a default database prefix you can change database prefix to make yourWordPress protected from hackers. For new installation you change that in wp-config and for older installationthe tutorial is here.

Scan your Wordpress site regularly to Protect your WordPress installation.

There are many plugins that will scan your WordPress such as Word Fence, Sucuri, WP Security Scan, VIP scanner and Exploit Scanner.This all how i protect my WordPress site if you are also want to secure your WordPress installation you can follow the things above undoubtedly. or-else you can contact me through Facebook comment below for any queries.

How To Customize  Wordpress Login Screeen Easily

How To Customize Wordpress Login Screeen Easily

Components of WordPress that might be used frequently is the log in page. This is a simple page containing only the log in form and few links to recover password and go back to the main website. By default this page contains WordPress logo and title. To change the logo or to style this page you defnitely can hack into the core files, however this is not recommended. The drawback of modifying the core files is that when you update WordPress, you would lose all your customization.Thanks to the way WordPress works, you do not have to hack the core. You can use WordPress functions to add your own logo and modify the styling of the page without being impacted by core updates. So without further ado, lets show you the right way to customize your WordPress login screen.



As we would be doing the customization through CSS only, its important to know the ID’s and classes used in the page.The classes for the Login Screen’s BODY element are login, login-action-login & wp-core-u By targeting the login class, you would be able to set custom background for the entire page or change color, etc. Understanding of the structure of this page and how the HTML elements are stacked below each other is important before you can add your own CSS rules.

Please see the image below to understand the structure in detail.

change the logo on the Login Page, we're going to create a new function called “new_custom_login_logo”. This function simply prints the CSS code.
Adding the code below to your themes functions.php file will add the CSS code in the head of the login page.
Make sure to add your logo inside the themes folder and change “logo_admin_login.png” with the logo file name. For better control using a png file with transparent background is recommended.
1.function new_custom_login_logo() {
2.echo '<style type="text/css">
3.h1 a { background-image: url('/.get_template_directory_uri(').'/logo_admin_login.png) !important; height:130px !important; background-size: auto auto !important; }
Once we have created the above function we have to “hook” or register it with WordPress. To do this we call “add_action” where “login_head” is the name of the hook that tells Wordpress the event our function is associated with.
1.add_action('login_head', 'new_custom_login_logo');
NOTE: “get_template_directory_uri()” will return the template directory path. However if you are using this from a child theme you could replace it by “get_stylesheet_directory_uri()”
4. Changing the logo link & title
Now if you visit the login page, you should be able to see the new logo. However if you hover your mouse on it the title that appears is “Powered by WordPress” and when clicked will take you To change this behavior we call 2 specific WordPress filters “login_headurl” and “login_headtitle”. As the name suggests they are responsible to adding the URL and Title to the Login Page Logo. Add below code to your functions.php file and then refresh your login page.
Changing the link to the URL of your website:

1.function new_wp_login_url() {
2.return home_url();
4.add_filter('login_headerurl', 'new_wp_login_url');

Changing the title of the link with default blog name that can be sent from the Settings Page:

1.function new_wp_login_title() {
2.return get_option('blogname');
4.add_filter('login_headertitle', 'new_wp_login_title');
5. Custom form styling
Finally, let's add some basic color changes to the form:
01.function new_custom_login_page_style() {
02.echo '
04.<style type="text/css">
05.body.login  { background-color: #FFF; }
06.#loginform  { background-color: #194272; }
07.#loginform label {color: #FFF ;}
11.add_action('login_head', 'new_custom_login_page_style');
Here's our end result:
What we have done is just done some basic styling. You can add your own CSS based to target different HTML elements and further customize the login page to match your theme or company branding.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Microsoft employee arrested for leaking copies of Windows 8

Microsoft employee arrested for leaking copies of Windows 8

An ex-Microsoft employee has been arrested and charged with leaking early copies of Windows 8 and Windows 7. Seattle PI reports that software architect Alex Kibkalo is accused of stealing trade secrets and leaking confidential beta copies of Windows 8 to an unnamed “French technology blogger.” Kibkalo was reportedly motivated to leak the software after a poor performance review at Microsoft. Details and copies of Windows 7 and Windows 8 regularly leaked during the course of the software’s development, and the French blogger used a nickname online to protect their identity.


copies of Windows were being regularly shared and leaked, Kibkalo is also alleged to have stolen Microsoft’s “Activation Server Software Development Kit,” software for a system used to protect against piracy. The unnamed French blogger reportedly shared the kit online, allowing others to circumvent activation protections used for Microsoft Office and Windows. Microsoft identified the employee leaking the information after the French blogger contacted another employee by email. Kibkalo was arrested on Wednesday after more than a year of investigations, and the ex-Microsoft employee will now appear in a US district court today.