Friday 21 March 2014

How To Avoid Data Overages On Your Android Phone

Mobile Data item enables all data monitoring goodness for your phone or tablet. Once set, you can use the other two settings on the Data Usage screen to help curtail mobile data usage.The item Limit Mobile Data Usage lets you set the ominous Red Bar of Doom on the usage grid. When mobile data encroaches upon its crimson glow, the device immediately stops using the mobile data network. The Red Bar of Doom can be adjusted up or down, depending on your data plan and whatever piddly data allotment your provider grants you The Alert Me About Data Usage item summons the Orange Bar of Woe. Adjust it to have the phone or tablet display a warning when data usage pierces its domain. Obviously setting the Orange Bar of Woe near the Red Bar of Doom makes sense; how close depends on how unruly the “family” part of your family plan can be.Popular On Techdebute Your cellular provider would like me to remind you that the information presented on the Data Usage screen is based on what your Android device has monitored. For corporate bottom-line reasons, that amount may not always be the same as usage values determined by your cellular provider. And, obviously, on plans with several devices, usage accumulates like dust bunnies under the couch.


Choose an app to behold specific usage information. Depending on the app, you may also discover some options and settings which help you disable mobile data. Or you can just gleefully kill the app, which may offer temporary data consumption relief, plus it always makes me feel good to touch the Force Stop button.Incidentally, quite a few apps feature controls that limit their data consumption to Wi-Fi connections only. For example, Dropbox can be directed to sync photos only over a Wi-Fi connection. For non-critical data, such settings are like a can of Febreze next to the cat box.

Avoid using features that consume way too much data:

What things can consume way too much data? Try tethering. Want to hog down all your monthly quota in an hour? Set up a Wi-Fi hotspot in an airport. These two features imperil your mobile data plan like a Costco-sized tiramisu endangers a Weight-Watchers convention. Don’t try tethering or create a mobile hotspot unless you have a mobile data plan beefy enough to support the Other data monsters include streaming music and videos. If you're going to do a lot of that, make sure you’re Wi-Fi connected. Otherwise, you’ll poke through your monthly data plan’s gigabyte threshold like Godzilla chewing through a Tokyo apartment complex. You wallet will appreciate that disastrous event not happening on a regular basis.

