Wednesday 9 July 2014

Samsung virtual Reality Headset Leaked

Samsung virtual Reality Headset Leaked

Hi Friends ! Samsung was working on a virtual-reality headset similar to the Oculus Rift and now it appears that an image of the device has been leaked.Reportedly called the Gear VR, the device is shown in a photo from the side view, and includes graphic overlays briefly describing how it functions. Gear VR will make its debut at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin this September.Featuring a red and black exterior, the photo of the supposed device includes a touch pad on the side of the lens housing, and a button that reportedly allows users to shift to a "see-through" mode.


Although not apparent in the image, SamMobile said the Gear VR will have a USB 3.0 dock that allows users to connect a Galaxy mobile device, thus using the mobile device's accelerometer for head tracking   rather than embedding sensors in the headset itself   to achieve a virtual-reality effect. This dynamic would presumably be similar to that of the cardboard VR contraptionrecently introduced at Google's I/O conference.

The report also claimed that the Gear VR will come with a selection of apps, as well as an SDK for developers, on the day of its launch.

Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, SamMobile reported that while the hardware will be manufactured by Samsung, the software will be provided by the team behind Oculus Rift developers, Oculus VR. The timing of such a pairing would fall right in line with the Oculus Connect conference, scheduled for mid-September.

Of course, the photo have not been confirmed, but if this is Samsung's rumored VR headset, the sleek design and supposed Galaxy interoperability would likely draw in mainstream users who may have not considered using VR technology.


Monday 7 July 2014

How To Unlock iPhone 6 in Safe Areas

Hi Friends! iOS users will be prompted to update their devices to the newest iteration of Apple's mobile operating system. As difficult as it is to believe, we're already onto the sixth version of the OS, which continues to be updated with new features on a yearly basis. After pushing out so many upgrades critical to plugging a few major feature holes, the vast majority of its 200 advertised enhancements are strictly granular, as Apple continues to polish its popular OS.That doesn't mean, though, that this build is coming to the masses without any jarring UI changes: Apple has declared independence from Google by adopting its own Maps, added a few nice features to Mail and iCloud, thrown Facebook integration into the mix and introduced the Passbook for paperless tickets. The question is, how does it stack up against previous refreshes? Read on to find out.


Apple may be looking for ways to make unlocking the iPhone even easier.The company recently filed for a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that would sense a user's location and adjust security levels accordingly. device is on the owner's home network or a frequently visited location (like your office), the iPhone could bypass the typical PIN security code or fingerprint scan and keep the phone unlocked."Because some locations may be inherently more secure, such as a user's home or office, these locations may be considered 'safe' and require less stringent security," the patent filing reads. "It can be desirable to have decreased security requirements when the mobile device is at a secure location."On the other side, if a user enters certain "unsecure" areas, security protections could be increased beyond just the passcode"In these locations, it can be desirable to implement stronger security protections. When the mobile device is in an unwww.techdebute.comsecure location (e.g., public location such as cafes or shopping centers), security requirements can be increased," the filing reads.

While in heightened security areas, users would likely have to enter a PIN code as well as use Apple's TouchID technology   its high-tech fingerprint sensor that debuted in fall 2013.Although the company filed for a "location-sensitive security levels" patent back in December 2012, and was granted the patent last week, it's uncertain whether or not this type of technology will ever make its way into an upcoming iPhone.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Top 3 Latest Windows App's From July- 2014

Top 3 Latest Windows App's From July- 2014

Hi Friends! PC or Surface can still play a role in planning your day. If you’re running Windows 8.1 on a tablet or traditional PC, the Windows Store has a number of apps that can help you prepare for your day.




You need to know just how hot it’s going to get during the barbecue, or if rain is threatening your city’s fireworks display. A Metro-ified weather app is a must-have.There are several big-name weather apps in the Windows Store, but two of the top-rated ones are from Accuweather and The Weather Channel.



Most avid photographers have committed to a specific photo-editing tool. But for everyday use, such as to enhance snaps from a smartphone or basic point-and-shoot, Adobe’s free Photoshop Express for Windows 8 should fit the bill. You can do the basics like crop, rotate and remove red eye. You can also make images pop by adjusting contrast and vibrance.To learn how a basic camera can take stunning shots of fireworks displays, also check out TECHDEBUTE      tutorial on how to shoot great fireworks photos with any camera.



A popular choice for finding out what to cook and how to cook it is Allrecipes (free, and my editor loves this app, too). Allrecipes allows you to search for recipes based on ingredients and dietary preferences perfect for finding dishes to make for your vegan friends in a pinch.
Then there’s Microsoft’s own Bing’s Food & Drink, which is especially handy for anyone with a Windows tablet. The app features a hands-free mode that lets you navigate recipes by waving your hand in front of your tablet’s webcam.




Saturday 5 July 2014

Top 5 Best And Latest Android Apps From June- 2014

Hi My Dear Friends! Facebook messaging apps, to ones that simply let you say ‘Yo!’ to your buddies, we covered a lot of ground with new Android apps in June. So by way of a quick recap and to help you filter through the debris, here’s our pick of the newbies from the past month.


Top And Best Android Apps: 

1.  MailWise

There’s already no shortage of email clients for Android, but MailWise is a nice addition to the party.MailWise covers a lot of ground in terms of the range of accounts it supports, including Gmail and Exchange, but its core selling-point lies in clutter-free conversations. Yes, it strips out repetitive information such as signatures and headers within a thread.


2. Copy Bubble

 bubbles for browsing and bubbles for translating,’bubbles’ seem to be the in-thing with Android developers just now. Copy Bubble is the latest bubblicious app to hit Google Play.
Copy Bubble is a brilliantly simple way of accessing multiple copied items from your clipboard  you can access your recent copy history from the main floating bubble on your screen, allowing you to delete an item, share it (e.g. to email, Facebook, Dropbox), or paste into another application.


3. Contact Box

Easily share multiple contact details with groups or individuals can be useful, which is why Contact Box could find itself a fan-base.In a nutshell, Contact Box allows users to create and organize contacts into easily shareable lists – which can be sent via email or SMS message.


4. Trover

Almost three years since we’d last covered Trover, a travel-themed, user-generated, photo-exploration app that counts Expedia and Zillow co-founder Rich Barton among its creators. While an Android incarnation had previously existed, it was pulled from Google Play due to resource restrictions a while back,but it has now reappeared again.Users can (visually) share stories about their favorite hotels, restaurants, parks, swimming spots, and more. It’s essentially a geo-tagged, photo-based social network for curious explorers, one that helps create a sense that you’re walking through a neighborhood finding new things along the way.


Following an accidental false start, social networking behemoth Facebook (you may have heard of it) launched a new standalone messaging app called Slingshot this month, kicking off initially in the US only, though it was later introduced globally too.Jumping on the ephemeral bandwagon, Facebook wants to remain relevant to the younger generations. The gist of Slingshot: to see a photo or video sent to you by a friend, you have to reply with a photo or video.


install (or) Download Spotify Music For Windows 7,8,Xp, Mac - iPhone, Android

install (or) Download Spotify Music For Windows 7,8,Xp, Mac - iPhone, Android

Hello Guys! Today Latest News from Techdebute To Download Spotify Music for your PC you will need the BlueStacks App Player program. The application allows you to run Android apps on Mac OSX or Windows systems, install a definite number of apps, as well as sync apps from Android devices to desktop systems. Let us see how.You can also get the download from any other trusted software app hosting sites. Once you run the install, the program will be installed directly into your hard drive. You can either opt in or out for BlueStacks spotlight and notifications.

Once the installation is finished, the program will open in its home screen. Several options such as apps search, sync apps, access settings, etc. will be displayed on the home screen. You can now either start installing android apps or can sync your android device apps so that you can run them in your PC.

order to install Spotify Music, you will need to have a Google account which will associate BlueStacks with the Google Play Store. You can register with your existing Google+ account. If you do not have one yet, you will need to create one. Apart from Google Play, BlueStacks connects with two more app stores – Amazon and 1 Mobile. All you need to do is to go to the app search section of the program and enter “Spotify Music”. You will be directed to the store that features it. Once you are there in the store (for example, in the Google Play Store), you can then navigate the features of that specific store and find the Spotify Music app. You can download Spotify Music without any difficulty and the installation will be performed automatically by BlueStacks itself.

get started with Spotify for Android, log in either with your existing Spotify credentials or your Facebook account. Once you're in, the app will load up all of your favorites and playlists, for a seamless, cross-platform experience. Whereas previously you needed to be a premium subscriber to enjoy the app, Spotify for Android now offers streaming radio options even for non-paying members.

How To Managing Printer in OS X

How To Managing Printer in OS X

Hello Guys!  How much is there to say about printer management, really? Well, it turns out, there was quite a bit I didn’t know about printer management in OS X. He came up with a bunch of tips that were new to me.first one is the simplest: You probably know about adding new printers in the Printer & Scanners preference pane. But there’s another way to add a new printer to your system: Open the Print dialog in any document and, in the Printer drop-down menu, select Nearby Printers. Choosing a printer from that list will cause OS X to install its driver and set it up for use.



second tip I’d honestly never heard about until Topher pointed it out to me. You can create what are known as printer pools, which let you group printers together into one virtual printing device; when opt to use that virtual printer, the system will pick from one printer from among the available ones in the group to handle your print job.To set up a printer pool, go to the Print & Fax system preferences and then hold the Command key while clicking the printers you would like to group together. With multiple printers selected, a Create Pool button will appear on the right. Once you name and create that pool, it will appear in the list of printers you can use.

Third tip was about the CUPS Web interface, which can be used to access advanced configuration options for your printers. (CUPS stands for Common Unix Printing System.) It’s a browser-based interface that gives you access to all kinds of different printer configuration options.
Once you’re connected, you can use the tabs at the top of the Web interface to manage individual printers or printer pools. Among the useful things you can do here:
View activity logs: Your Mac has error and activity logs, which you can use to troubleshoot printer problems.
Deny users access: There is no way through Apple’s GUI to restrict local-user access to the printer. With CUPS, you can. Go to the Printers tab, choose Set Allowed Users from the Administration drop-down, enter short usernames separated by commas, and then opt to deny those users access to the printer.
Move paused print jobs: If you have a problem with a print job on one printer, you can move it to another one by going to the Jobs tab in CUPS, selecting the job, and clicking on the Move Job button. You then choose a new printer from the list and click the Move Job button to assign the job to that new printer.
Those are just some of the tips Topher shared in his story. I urge you to go read the entire thing I’ll bet you learn something new, too.

Friday 4 July 2014

How To Create Your Own Android Live Wallpaper On Android

How To Create Your Own Android Live Wallpaper On Android

Hello My dear Friends! Adroid is well-known for the customization it enables, but what about creating your own live wallpaper from scratch? This is where Murtastic wants to step in and help.For the uninitiated, live wallpaper essentially provides animated and interactive backgrounds for your Android device, sidestepping ‘static’ for something a little morel lively.



Main screen you can create a new live wallpaper, or edit an existing one you’ve already created. Once in, you’ll see eight self-explanatory options along the bottom   ‘Edit Text’, ‘Text Color’, ‘Text Size’, ‘Wall Color’, ‘Wall Image’, ‘Others’, ‘Add Page’ and ‘Delete Page’

                                                          Screenshot 2014 07 03 16 07 39 220x391 Want to create your own live wallpapers on Android? Murtastic has you covered.

You can insert any text you like, increase its size, tweak the background colors, insert images and more.

                                                         b1 220x391 Want to create your own live wallpapers on Android? Murtastic has you covered.
You can add any number of pages to your live wallpaper, and set the interval between the transitions (counted in milliseconds), as well as choose to animate the text. It’s worth adding here that you may also reel in existing wallpapers from your device, to create a mash-up of sorts.

                                                         c1 220x391 Want to create your own live wallpapers on Android? Murtastic has you covered.

Once you’re done, you hit ‘Finish’, ‘Set My Wallpaper’, and you’re good to go.

                                                        e1 220x391 Want to create your own live wallpapers on Android? Murtastic has you covered.

                                                        f1 220x391 Want to create your own live wallpapers on Android? Murtastic has you covered.

Murtastic has certainly been well designed and executed, letting you create short animations for your device. That said, it would be better if you could integrate data-centric applications too, such as clocks, weather, news alerts and so on. That would really take this to the next level. For now, it’s just a fun way to bring a little more personalization to your phone.The developer also notes that plans are afoot to introduce simple icons and images, as well as a choice of fonts. It would also be nice to see an ad-free upgrade introduced, as you will be subjected to the occasional flash of commercialization when you least expect it.