Friday 21 February 2014

Blackberry Mobiles Are Changed Their War Of Words Signals

Blackberry Mobiles Is On of the More Popular Mobiles For World, And This Mobiles Have Many Changes and one of the Public Illustrations How to change more things at Blackberry Monbiles and this company relatively new chief executive and executive chairman in some changes of this mobile for US.because of decisions are made by Wireless carriers and some critical to success of Handsets Blackberry  is the most phone makers has Long been careful to maintain and with relation carriers.Database and mobile software maker Sybase, has a new approach, at least when it comes to T-Mobile. And given BlackBerry's dismally low market share in the United States, he also has less to lose than his predecessors.  
War of words signals a changed BlackBerry
 T-Mobile began contacting its customers who use BlackBerrys with promotions for Apple's iPhone, Chen attacked the move very publicly. In a blog post published on BlackBerry's website, Chen praised BlackBerry users who complained through social media and publicly about T-Mobile's attempt to get them to change teams. partnership with our brand is appreciated by all of us at BlackBerry, and draws a sharp contrast with the behavior of our longtime business partner," Chen wrote, referring to T-Mobile. "What puzzles me more is that T-Mobile did not speak with us before or after they launched this clearly inappropriate and ill-conceived marketing promotions.
John Legere, chief executive at T-Mobile, has a reputation for being outspoken and a heavy user of Twitter. His Twitter profile uses a background featuring a silhouette of Batman against the skyline of Seattle. On Wednesday, he turned to the social network to address Chen and BlackBerry, maintaining that Chen had mischaracterized T-Mobile's offer as an attack on BlackBerry.
And Mike Sievert, chief marketing officer at T-Mobile, also joined in the fight, if in a more Temperate way, when announcing through a blog post a special offer for BlackBerry users wanting to get another BlackBerry handset. He wrote the iPhone offer was simply a way of giving BlackBerry owners more options rather than an attack on their current brand.
"Wow. Mind blown. The passion we've seen from the BlackBerry Loyal over the past couple days has been pretty amazing. I want you to know we've heard you," Sievert wrote. "We simply have a different point of view on the matter of choice than the one expressed yesterday by Mr Chen.
 Thursday, Legere had moved onto promoting his network's data capabilities on his Twitter account. As for BlackBerry, it was basking in analysts' reports that its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging service might be worth more than previously thought because of the $16 billion Facebook is paying for WhatsApp, another messaging service. 
By Thursday, Legere had moved onto promoting his network's data capabilities on his Twitter account. As for BlackBerry, it was basking in analysts' reports that its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging service might be worth more than previously thought because of the $16 billion Facebook is paying for WhatsApp, another messaging service. 
