Wednesday 19 February 2014

Spanish Quotes Easy To Learn Translate Love And Life With English

Spanish is not only one country language spanish(espanol) is Second highet spoken language andSpanish language is the one of the six languages of the United Nations. Spanish language is issuedas an Official language by European Union and Mercosur. Spanish is the second most popularsecond language learned by the native speakers of American English. From the Last decades ofthe 20th Century, the study spanish as foreign language has grown significantly, because of thegrowing populations and economies of many Spanish language speaking countries and growingtourism in this countries.
Spanish language is the most widely understood language in western hemisphere. The significant population of native spanish speakers ranging from the tip of Patagonia it is near north Chicago and New York city. Spanish is the Official language in 20 Countries and Native speakers are 530 million people and as a second language 80 million people. 31 million people as foreign language. Spanish language best quotes on Life and Love.

Spanish Quotes On Life:

  • Eres hermoso, No importa quien seas. (You're Beautiful, do not care who you are) 
  • Quien quiere llegar busca cominos. (Who wants go looking cumin)
  • Quien no quiere llegar busca escusas. (Who does not want to go looking for excuses)
  • El que con palabras enamora con hecos decepciona. (He who falls in Love with words hecos dissapoint)
  • El munde de hoy no tiena sentido asi que, por que deberia pinter cuadros que lo thuvieran. (The munde tiena no sense today so, why should it thuvieran pinter tables)
  • Hey un cierto placer en la locura, que solo el loco conoce. (Hey some pleasure in madness, that only mad known)
  • Nada hey mas surreal que la realidad. (Hey nothing more surreal than reality)
  • No hables a menos que puedos majorar el silencio. (Do not talk unless puedos majorar silence)
  • Solo un idiota puede total mente feliz. (Only an idiot can be all happy mind)
  • El que busca la verdad corre el reisgo de encontrarla. (He who seeks the truth runs's the risk of finding)
  • El misterio es el elemento clave en toda obra de arte. (The mystery is the key element in any work of art)

Spanish Quotes On Love:

  • Te amo - I love you
  • Te quiero - I love U
  • Te amo mucho - I love you very much
  • Te querré para siempre - I will love you always
  • Tu me haces feliz cuando estás aquí - You make me happy when you are here
  • Tu eres mi vida - You are my life
  • Te extraño - I miss you
  • Te querré para siempre - I will love you always
  • Tú eres la mujer más bella que he visto - You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen
  • Quiero estar contigo para siempre - I want to be with you forever
  • No puedo vivir sin ti - I can't live without you
  • Voy a soñar contigo - I will be dreaming of you
  • Tu eres mi alma gemela - You are my soulmate
  • Tu eres mi luz en la oscuridad - You are my light in the dark
  • Te ame desde el momento en que puse mis ojos en ti - I loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you
  • Sin tu amor la vida no vale la pena - Without your love life isn't worth it
  • Me haces feliz - You make me happy
  • Te casarás conmigo? - Will you marry me?
