Sunday 25 May 2014

How To Backup iPhone Podcasts Free

Hi Friends Here A New Tech Tip For Podcasts, iTunes store its podcast files on the computer? I would like to manually back up my collection to an external drive. Start with the Music or My Music library on the PC or Mac. Inside your Music library, you should see an iTunes folder and inside that, there should be an iTunes Media folder  unless it has been purposely moved. Podcastsare kept in the iTunes Media folder by default. (If you have been using iTunes for years or haven't upgraded to iTunes 9 or a later version, the folder may be called iTunes Music instead of iTunes Media.

Regardless of the folder's name, you should see a subfolder inside it named Podcasts. Inside the Podcasts folder are folders labeled with the names of all the audio and video podcasts you have downloaded or subscribed to through iTunes; individual episodes for each podcast are stored within each show's folder. If you want to manually back up all your shows, one option is to drag a copy of the Podcasts folder from the computer to a connected external drive. However, a dedicated backup program and an external drive can automatically keep your podcast archive backed up on a regular schedule  along with all your other personal files on the computer. 

Both the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems come with basic backup software, so you just need to supply a compatible external drive.


