Wednesday 14 May 2014

Linux Pros Use Tweak Tools TO Customize Your OS and PC, Laptop, Tablets

TECHDEBUTE Says Customizability has long been one of Linux’s most compelling features particularly when compared with proprietary alternatives such as Windows and OS X but the tweak tools out there today let you refine the OS even further. And if you’re making the migration to Linux on your workplace PCs, tweak tools can help ease the transition.Ubuntu Software Center on your PC it’s the icon like an orange shopping bag emblazoned with an “A” in the Launcher. Once you’ve selected it, type “Unity Tweak,” or even just “tweak,” in the search bar, and a tool by that name should be top among the results that pop up. Click on that entry for “More Info” or to “Install.


Ubuntu Tweak’s icon to launch it, bringing up an overview of all the desktop facets it can customize. Under the “Launcher” option, for instance, you can tweak that portion of the software’s behavior, appearance and icons. I changed the color and transparency level of mine, for instance, to better complement my desktop background.Many ways to customize the software’s search functionality along with its panel, switcher, Web apps, and more. Prefer 24-hour time over 12-hour time? No problem that’s an option. So, for that matter, are power indicators, preauthorized status for select domains, background blur, and more. Now that Ubuntu One is on its way out, for instance, I went ahead and removed it as a  domain under “Web Apps.” I also changed the default document font in the “Appearance” category.

Tweak Tool is the name of the customization tool for GNOME users, and it offers a way to adjust numerous GNOME 3 features that can’t be fiddled with in the GNOME Control Center itself, such as the fonts and themes used in the user interface as well as file manager desktop icons and the icons used in menus and buttons.

           unity tweak launcher

capabilities that come with Tweak Tool include resetting to default settings, startup application management, extension management, and the creation of dynamic or static workspaces.

            tweak tool gnome


Version 0.8.7 of Ubuntu Tweak can be used to modify 14.04-specific settings as well as more perennial ones. In the Nautilus file manager, for example, users can now enable Recursive Search. Within the Unity desktop, meanwhile, you can now enable a “click to minimize app” feature.Most Linux desktop environments are highly customizable is the core of Ubuntu Linux itself. Third-party tweak tools pick up where the distros leave off, however, making them an important addition to any Linux setup. 
            ubuntu tweak nautilus

