Saturday 15 March 2014

How To Share Files,URL's And More Between OS X And IOS

So Many Years of since introduction of IOS ,so getting Stuff from your iPHone and Ipad to your Mac is still A plan of plenty of Ways to sync or share can sync or data using the iTunes or Dropbox. so you can sent via Email,and sync also sync safari Bookmarks,reading list URL's And open Tabs over.You can share Photos via Photo stream.You can share with Clipboard Contents using utilities such as Command-C and one particle Data of But no others thats the problem only that Desk Connect seeks to solve once you install the Free Desk Connect App for MAC and IOS on Your various Devices and set up a free account you can share photos and Webpages document files and clip board Contents between the Two platforms Using desktop of Desk connect for IOS and OS X.


You can simply drag a file from the finder to the Desk connect open the menu which Choose the IOS device At the Desk Connects the File OS X 10.9.2. DeskConnect 1.1.1 fixed the problem.) You receive—almost immediately—a push notification on the destination device that the file has been received. You can also select text in a Mac app, and then choose a destination device in the DeskConnect menu; the selection is sent to the DeskConnect app on that device, where you can choose to open the text in Messages, Mail, Twitter, Facebook, a text editor, and so on.

                                             deskconnect share clipboard
Sharing data works just as easily the other way: Open the iOS app on your iPhone or iPad, and you can choose to send a photo (selected from any album in Photos), a document from a compatible app desk Connect installs an Open in Desk Connect option in the iOS Share sheet), or send the contents of the iOS clipboard. Sending a URL from your iOS browser is a bit more complicated, as it requires the installation and configuration of a special book marklet; in my testing, once that little hurdle was crossed, sharing worked well.
After you’ve sent something from an iOS device, it should show up in the Mac app’s Recent list in the systemwide menu. When you choose a file, photo, or clipboard from that list, a preview of the item opens in Desk Connect’s built-in file viewer. From there, you can opt to send the item to a specific app or save it to a particular destination. Choose a URL from the menu, and that URL opens in your default browser. If you press the Control key before clicking on something in the Recent sub menu, you’ll copy the item to the clipboard instead; press Command when choosing a transferred file, and it'll be revealed in the Finder.
When I say that Desk Connect does a good job “by and large,” it means that I have run into a couple of small glitches. As I mentioned, the need to set up a special book marklet on your iOS device in order to share URLs isn’t particularly elegant—and if you sync bookmarks between Mac and iOS already, that book marklet will (uselessly) show up in Safari on your Mac, too. Also, as it’s presently designed, the Desk Connect Mac app stores received files in a sub folder buried several layers deep in your ~/Library folder; data is automatically deleted after 30 days. It would be nice if you could configure the app to save things somewhere else—say, Downloads or on your desktop.
Finally, Desk Connect's FAQ says its system is secure: “Your content is encrypted en route to and from our servers. Our servers are under top security, and we have several features in development which will further strengthen the security of our users’ data.” But those assurances may not be enough for the security-minded.
Otherwise, in everyday use, DeskConnect works for me. It’s fast and relatively seamless. If you have multiple devices and wish you could send stuff back and forth between them without a lot of hassle, DeskConnect is worth checking out.Want to find out about more cool Mac apps? Check out our Mac Gems session atMacworld/iWorld in San Francisco March 27-29. Want to stay up to date with the latest Gems? You can follow Mac Gems on Twitter or on You can also subscribe to the Mac Gems RSS feed.
