Wednesday 19 March 2014

Top 5 Best Apps For iPhone Free Downloads

Everyone loves using their iOS device for all kinds of music applications. An iPhone makes a great music player because of its streamlined interface and slew of available accessories. Of course, the key to really making the most of your iPhone as a full music device is applications. The App Store is filled with music applications, and some of them really go a long way towards making your iPhone an even better experience.SoundTracking is an example of an app that makes the iPhone a better device for music lovers. If offers all kinds of cool features that should make any music lover incredibly happy. It’s featured on our Best iPhone Apps page, and it’s there with good reason. If you are looking for an app that identifies music, shares it on social media, and is a fantastic social network in and of itself, you need to look no further than SoundTracking. It offers all the features a music lover needs on their iPhone, and it’s free, so there is no reason not to install it on your device and give it a shot.




                                                       SoundTracking5   SoundTracking Is A Music App That May Make You Forget About Shazam [iOS]
When you launch SoundTracking for the first time, it will have you link it with either your Facebook, Twitter, or Foursquare account. After you link it, it will give you the option to connect it with other social media outlets for sharing your music. This last part is optional, and you can just link it with the network that you used to create your account. The app will have you create a username for SoundTracking, which is a quick is divided into sections, which makes it easy to find what you need. The Feed is the first section, and this works like feeds on most social networks. Activity of other users you follow on SoundTracking will appear here, so you can see the music friends are posting about.Speaking of friends, the app will automatically follow any other SoundTracking users on the social network accounts you link with it, so it will help you get started.
 given some options to personalize what your friends and followers will see. You can choose to add some text to the post so you can tell your friends a little more about why you like the song or how it makes you feel. You can also include hashtags to let other SoundTracking users find your song. You can also add a photo and location to go along with the post if you should so choose. Once all that is done, you simply choose the other social networks to share on and click “Post.”


                               Use Puffin Browser To Play Flash Content On Your iPhone & iPad

someone asks me to recommend an app that supports Flash videos on their iPad, I recommend Puffin Web Browser ($2.99). It’s an attractive and functional app, which is why it has been added to our Best of iPhone Apps page.
If you’re new to Apple’s mobile devices, you might not know there’s no default Flash support on iOS devices. Whenever you try to play a video on your iOS device and it asks you instead to download Adobe Flash Player, then you will need to try Puffin.
There are other good web browsers for the iPhone and iPad, including Atomic Web, Dolphine Browser, and Chrome. But CloudMosa’s Puffin Web Browser 3.0, compatible with iOS devices running iOS 5.0 or later, is the only one that downloads and plays Flash videos without lots of hiccups and hanging.

                                                 Puffin settings   Use Puffin Browser To Play Flash Content On Your iPhone & iPad


                                        medscape e1356412100392   Medscape Gives You All The Medical Information You Need At Your Fingertips [iOS]
comes to medical issues, the best way to find out what is wrong is to go to a doctor. However, there is most certainly some value in getting a general idea of what could be wrong before you pay a trip to your local physician, using apps or the Internet. Of course, no medical information app or website can replace the knowledge and skills of a doctor, and that is something you most certainly need to keep in mind before using an app like the one I am going to talk about today to diagnose any kind of disease of condition.

Medscape is one of the best iPhone apps for finding out information about different medical conditions, and it’s made by Web MD, so you know the information is good. Whether you are a person looking to find out some more information about a condition that is affecting you or a medical professional looking for a handy application to find some facts about a condition, Medscape is the perfect application for you.It has lots of information and an incredibly simple interface. If you are looking for a medical app, this is the one you want on your device.


                      remote main   Control iTunes & Apple TV From The Palm Of Your Hand With Remote

controls are pretty basic, but it is enough to get the job done – play, pause, rewind, forward. There is also a function where you can rewind or forward 10 seconds either way. You can also run your finger along the slider bar (shown in the screenshot above, under the Hobbit artwork), to go to any point in the movie.
When I tested the app, everything worked perfectly. There was never a problem with anything. And those are the kinds of apps that I love. Ones that work right away, as advertised.
Now let’s take a quick look at playing some music, and yes I like ABBA. What can I say? I was an 80′s child.


                                           google maps iphone ios logo 300   Reliably Navigate With Google Maps For iPhone

Google Maps. It’s Google’s Rocky Balboa, the comeback after that new kid on the block showed up – Apple Maps. It’s a great app, and it’s so great that it made our Best iPhone Apps list.With that said, I’ll assume that you are already aware of the basic features of Google Maps – after all, it’s pretty simple. By merging the best elements of the browser-based version of the app with standard GPS functionality, Google has concocted a highly reliable piece of mobile navigation software – Google maps for iPhone.
You can search for an address, a location name, or even a general type of destination (e.g. “restaurant”), and the app will present several time-based route options via car, public transit, or foot. Directions are displayed on an aesthetically-pleasing 3D map, but for those of you who struggle with multi-tasking, a non-Siri voice can lead the way.
