Friday 13 June 2014

How To Sort Facebook Feed By Time On Your Mobile Easy

Hi Friends! Parents need to know that teens must be diligent about setting privacy controls on Facebook. Every time Facebook updates its features, users must check settings to confirm what information they're sharing and what they're keeping private. "Frictionless sharing" apps -- which allow users to share without having to take action -- bring additional privacy concerns. The Facebook timeline shows every activity going back to a user's first post. It's like a permanent record, but the good news is that you can use it to delete posts you really don't want there anymore or change a post's privacy setting for it to be viewable only by yourself.Privacy shortcuts in the upper-right-hand corner of the page allow you to remove personal information like your gender or birthday, and you can block search engines from showing a direct link to your timeline. To completely remove previous posts from searches, you'll need to review your Activity Log to see a list of all your Facebook activity and review or edit the privacy setting for each item. After you've made privacy updates, you can double-check your changes by clicking View As, which will show you what your timeline looks like to a specific friend or to the public.

Facebook thinks it knows what the best stories are to drop in your news feed. But some users might want to see things their own way.As an alternative to its default filtering algorithm, Facebook provides a way to sort your friends' posts by chronology in its mobile apps. But some people say the process for doing so is not that awesome.After a recent change to Facebook's app on iOS, a number of users say the company has essentially buried the sort-by-time feature. Taking to online discussion boards to complain, they also lament the fact that there is no way to set the mode as a default on mobile.Facebook's algorithm sorts posts that appear in people's news feeds, using signals such as the number of likes the posts generate and who posted them. As a result, posts that generate a lot of activity can stay lodged toward the top of users' feeds, maybe even over the course of a day. Facebook calls this default setting "top stories."
For users opting for a chronological view of their posts, there is an easy way to change the setting on the desktop. But changing the setting on Android -- and now iOS -- requires a different process, one that some users don't like, or aren't even aware of."Please restore the 'most recent' news feed option back to its prominent location in the iOS version of the app," one person said in the discussion boards. "I have top stories show up that are days old because of whatever dumb logic Facebook employs."In this Tech Tip video, IDG News Service shows how to navigate the sort-by-time feature on both mobile and desktop. Facebook also provides some other personalized news feed options based around users' personal affiliations, jobs worked and schools attended. Users can add specific people to these lists if they want, which can be accessed from both mobile and the desktop.
Facebook is constantly tweaking its filtering algorithm. Late last year, as part of an effort to display more "high-quality" content, the company said it would be emphasizing news articles in the feed. But high quality to one person may be of a different quality to another.
