Tuesday 24 June 2014

Download QuickBooks App For MAC

Hi Friends !  QuickBooks Online and its related set of apps, I’ve become a true believer. QuickBooks Online has had good iOS apps for accessing your QuickBooks Online data and now they’ve released the QuickBooks app for Mac, a free tool that brings your QuickBooks Online account to an app on your Mac.

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QuickBooks app for Mac should not be confused with QuickBooks for Mac 2014—it’s not a standalone application, and thus, requires that you already have an existing or plan to setup a new QuickBooks Online account, which is $13 to $40 per month. QuickBooks app provides a Mac-based frontend to the QuickBooks Online Web backend, something you would normally access using a Web browser.

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brings up an important note about QuickBooks app for Mac: At present it requires an active Internet connection. No Internet, no access to your data, although Intuit states that future versions of the app will allow you to work offline and sync changes to the Web once you’re connected again.

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QuickBooks Online’s new interface, which rolled out to many QuickBooks Online users a month ago, the QuickBooks app for Mac interface will look familiar. QuickBooks app for Mac is a doppelgänger to QuickBooks Online’s new, less austere, graphically beautiful, and easy to master user interface. The app’s sidebar offers one-click access to QuickBooks Online’s accounting and business management tools. The app’s Home button provides a company overview that displays information on open, overdue, and recently paid invoices, current P&L and expenses. Displayed at the right of the screen is a list of all your accounts, their current balances and a number indicating how many unreconciled transactions each has.
Clicking anything you see on the Home screen takes you to the list of transactions associated with the item you’ve clicked. So, clicking the Overdue invoices link in the bar graph at the top of the QuickBooks app for Mac Home screen displays a list of all overdue transactions, where you can then select transactions and email the customers or print and send statements.
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QuickBooks app for Mac is an excellent tool for managing your QuickBooks Online data using an app on your Mac rather than an app within a Web browser. While it offers nothing new in terms of features, the simplicity of using a Mac app rather than a Web app and the QuickView menu’s ability to provide up-to-date business information without requiring you to log in to your QuickBooks Online account make QuickBooks app for Mac an excellent addition to what is already a very good business accounting application.
