Sunday 1 June 2014

Top 10 Features For Using MAC OS X 10.10

Hello Friends! We are all using More and more OS Softwares so here a new one to come thats New Introduced for the and best in one said TECHDEBUTE as well as the OS X10.10  Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference keynote next week. As we hit 30 years of the Mac OS (and 13 years of OS X), Apple’s desktop OS has become a mature piece of software: the slow-and-steady tortoise to the excitable hare of iOS.Of course, that’s not to say there isn’t plenty of opportunity left to improve the venerable operating system. As the OS kicks off its fourth decade and in keeping with the ‘tens’ theme of this year’s update we’ve assembled ten areas where OS X could use some sprucing up, all in the service of keeping the Mac chugging along well into its forties and beyond.




Mac OS has long had a limited capability for voice commands, but with Siri on all our iOS devices these days, we long for the ability to ask our computer a question and have it respond in kind. (Apple could even borrow a cue from its older Speakable Items technology as well as what Google’s doing these days and have Siri respond only when addressed by namemagine if your Mac would understand your request to play that new album you bought without you having to look up from whatever you’re working on. Or give you a weather report when you wonder aloud if you’ll need umbrella later today. Now that’sthe future we’re interested in.

             airdrop osx
AirDrop is a technology that’s always been rife with promise. Easily exchanging files over the air, without having to know the other person’s email address or phone number, or making sure they’re using the same file-transfer app as you? Sounds like the kind of magical, transparent technology where Apple excels. Unfortunately, even though we have features going by the name AirDrop on both iOS and OS X, they seem to be stuck at an impasse, unable to communicate with each other.
             mail rules

Mavericks’s version of Mail was an unmitigated disaster. It took several updates before Gmail users could get back to the same level of functionality and reliability they had in Mountain Lion, and even now some users of both Google’s service and Microsoft Exchange continue to have problems. Given how much most of us still rely on email every day, it’s up to 10.10 to make Mail the reliable bulwark that it needs to be.


QuickTime Pro was among the Mac OS’s best kept secrets. Not only did the $30 upgrade to Apple’s built-in media player let you play movies to your heart’s content, it also featured a surprisingly powerful bevy of editing tools, letting you quickly trim movies, work with multi-track MOV files, and more. QuickTime Player X might shine at the content-consumption side of the equation, but as an editing tool it leaves a lot to desire. Surely, there’s some middle ground between the basic features it offers and the often-unneeded complexity of iMovie. If nothing else, we’d like to see some more powerful upgrades to some of the capabilities it already has the ability to do a screen capture of a single window, for example, would be a boon to those of us in the screencast business.

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Much as we’d love to ask why we can’t quit you, it’s actually all too easy to give you the old Command-Q. Apple’s iMessage service and instant-messaging app are both still kind of a hot mess in Mavericks. There are reliability issues with iMessage as a service messages arriving out of order, or hours, sometimes days late but there’s also the somewhat confused nature of this app. Mavericks’s ability to respond to iMessages via the Reply button in notifications has certainly reduced our reliance on Messages, but we still find ourselves frustrated when using the app. Messages needs to decide whether it’s primarily there to support .



iOS apps make the jump to OS X most recently iBooks and Maps and Find My Friends is one more we’d like to see join that exclusive club. Apple’s app for letting us share our locations with our friends and family often has proved to be a useful one, and we’d like to have access to it on our desktop as well. Besides being able to check in on folks’ location from our Mac, we’d love the ability to get notifications when any of our Find My Friends  are triggered just in case we don’t have our iOS devices close at hand. At the very least, a Web interface on the iCloud site would go a long way to assuaging this particular need.
             osx textedit icloud
Filesystem” thing a good shot, Apple, but for many of us the whole simplicity angle never quite took off. For one thing, it’s annoying to be limited to only opening files from iCloud in the app with which they’re associated. To make matters worse, apps like TextEdit and Preview still have no iOS equivalent, making iCloud document storage for text files and PDFs of limited use.
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As long as we’re putting the file system into the cloud, what about taking that a step further. Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to log in to your account on any Mac you sat down in front of? Much as you can access other Macs on your network (or screen share into them) by using your Apple ID, imagine entering those credentials on any Mac’s login screen to have access to your account set up just the way you like it with all of your files. A longshot it may be, but it’s the kind of forward-thinking feature that we expect from the folks at Apple.
same way that Apple refreshed the classic Mac OS look with Aqua at the debut of OS X, and later went through several different design phases you’ll forgive us if we don’t mourn the loss of brushed metal OS X 10.10 could be a good turning point to refine the design of the Mac OS into something more in keeping with the modern-day aesthetic. Though maybe err on the side of conservatism, Apple: The full iOS 7 monty isn’t going to win you any plaudits here.


