Monday 16 June 2014

Surface Pro 3 Main Features

Hi Guys! Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, this device practically dared its owners to enter text without assistance from a bundled snap-on keyboard. It was frustrating then, and it's a museum piece now. Yet the TC1100 was perhaps the best hardware expression of Microsoft’s original tablet effort, and it still tells an instructive story about the origins of Surface Pro 3.machines were expressly designed as 2-in-1, laptop-tablet hybrids. Both come with styluses. And both feature fully functioning Windows desktops. TC1100 isn’t easy to use by any means, but it shows Microsoft had the right idea.

 box of discarded tech toys since 2004. I first wrote about the tablet in May of that year, and generally liked HP’s effort. But it didn’t take long for the tablet’s considerable avoirdupois to break my spirit. Even worse, I never warmed to Microsoft’s primitive handwriting recognition.I eventually lost the TC1100’s bundled keyboard, which turns the device into a full-blown laptop. But when Surface Pro 3 came out, I was excited to discover that the HP tablet still booted, and more or less worked—the utter vulnerability of Windows XP notwithstanding.comparison with Microsoft’s flagship tablet, the first thing you’ll notice about the TC1100 is its weight. At 3.1 pounds, it weighs almost twice as much as the 1.76-pound Surface Pro 3. And let’s not forget that the first-generation iPad, released in 2010, weighs only 1.5 pounds. HP’s device is a brick compared to either machine, and its 1GHz Pentium M processor also runs quite hot. The end result is a tablet that scorches your lap, and begins to feel like a kettlebell if you hold it in your hands for too long.
 HP tablet doesn’t respond to any of the swipes, finger jabs, or touch gestures that bring life to modern capacitive touchscreens. In 2004, the best the PC industry could muster was stylus-driven touch that depended on direct pressure applied to the screen. The first iPhone gave us capacitive touch as a standard in 2007, and modern mobile interfaces exploded from there. We began finger-gesturing through apps instead of mousing through applications, and an entire new computing experience was born. keyboard accessory, it’s all but indistinguishable from any other laptop circa 2004. The Pentium M is paired with a paltry 512MB of RAM and a 40GB mechanical hard drive. Running the stylus-oriented tablet edition of Windows XP, that aging boot drive yields start-up times exceeding 15 seconds an anachronism in today’s era of solid-state storage and instant-on tablets. In fact, even the Surface Pro 3 boots from completely off to its Windows 8 password screen in about four seconds.
Your first text-entry option involves using the TC1100’s stylus to tap-type on Microsoft’s awkward virtual keyboard (see the video at the top of this article). It borrows the layout of a traditional notebook keyboard in all the worst ways, and for some inexplicable reason, Microsoft labeled each key with a tiny, faint, barely legible key character. Using a stylus to hunt-and-peck letters into a Word document is not a rewarding experience.
